I. Sejarah Islam Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Persia
Kerajaan Safawi di Persia
Kerajaan Safawi juga mewarnai perkembangan sejarah Islam. Syeikh Ishak syaifuddin (1252-1334 M) adalah orang yang mewarnai dinasti pada zaman tersebut. Selanjutnya muncul
syeikh-syeikh lainnya:
-Syeikh Ismail (1524-1576 M)
-Syeikh Abbas (1557-1629 M)
Kerajaan Safawi
Didirikan oleh Syah Ismail pada 907 H/1500 M di Tabriz, Persia (Iran). Awalnya sebuah gerakan tarekat yang bernama Safawiyah yang menjadi gerakan politik, dipimpin oleh Syekh Safifuddin Ishaq. Gerakan ini memasuki wilayah politik dan pemerintahan karena merupakan tarekat militer yang para pengikutnya berkeinginan memainkan peran politik untuk memperkokoh kekuasaannya. Kegiatan politik dipertajam pada pemerintahan Ismail, sehingga Ismail dianggap sebagai pendiri Kerajaan Safawi. Dibentuk semacam kesatuan tentara agama atau Qizilbasy (si kepala merah) pada pemerintahan Haidar.
Ismal menerapkan Syiah Isra Asyariah sebagai agama negara. Sebelumnya Persia berada di bawah kekuaaan Suni, maka ia mendatangkan ulama Syiah dari Iraq, Bahrein, dan Libanon untuk tujuannya. Program ini mengalami pertentangan yang berat, karena tidak mudah mengubah ideologi rakyat dari Suni ke Syiah. Banyak pula sastrawan dan ulama Suni yang dibunuh demi penerapan Syiah ini. Syah Ismail terus melanjutkan penaklukan sampai ke seluruh Iran, Heart maupun Diyarbakr (Turki), dan Baghdad dengan dukungan pasukan Qizilbasy.
Pada masa pemerintahan Syah Abbas (1588-1629) Kerajaan Safawi mengalami puncak keemasaan. Tidak hanya meredam konflik internal dan merebut wilayah yang melepaskan diri, tetapi Syah Abbas juga mampu melebarkan wilayahnya ke Tabriz, Sirwan, dan kep.Harmuz, bahkan pelabuhan Bandar Abbas. Syah Abbas ingin melepaskan diri dari ketergantungan dukungan kekuatan militer Qizilbasy, maka ia membentuk kekuatan militer yang terdiri dari budak Kaukakus dan Georgia. Strategi ini berhasil mengusir kekuatan Uzbek di Khirazan pada tahun 1598.
1. Pemerintahan dan Politik
Terbagi secara horozontal, yaitu didasarkan pada garis kesukuan atau kedaerahan, dan pembagian secara vertikal, yaitu mencakup dua jenis, istana (dargah) dan sekretariat negara (divan atau mamalik). Penyelenggaraan negara dipercayakan kepada para amir (kepala suku) tingkat atas dan wazir (menteri) yang tergabung dalam suatu dewan (jangi). Terdapat lembaga yang tercakup dalam dewan tersebut (majelis nivis) yang terdiri dari sejarawan istana, sekretaris pribadi Syah, dan kepala intelejen.
2. Ekonomi
Ekonomi dikendalikan langsung oleh pusat. Banyak memperkuat di bidang pertanian dengan memperbanyak pengalihan tanah negara menjadi tanah raja. Pertumbuhan ekonominya semakin baik karena stabilitas keamanan yang dinamis dan situasi dalam negeri yang terkendali. Pelabuhan Bandar Abbas menjadi jalur perdagangan antara Timur dan Barat sehingga sektor perdagangan semakin maju. Di bidang pertanian mengalami kemajuan terutama di daerah Bulan Sabit yang subur.
3. Ilmu Pengetahuan
Didirikan lembaga pendidikan Syiah oleh Syah Abbas, yaitu sekolah teologi untuk lebih memantapkan akan aliran Syiah. Beberapa nama ilmuwan, sastrawan, dan sejarawan Safawi antara lain, Muhammad bin Husain Al-Amili Al-Juba’i, Muhammad Baqir Astarabadi, Sarudin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Syirazi, dan Muhammad Baqir Majlisi.
4. Bangunan dan Seni
Kantor, masjid, rumah sakit, dan jembatan raksasa dibangun dengan gaya arsitektur yang indah. Di bidang seni, terlihat dalam kegiatan dan hasil dari kerajinan tangan, keramik, karpet, dan seni lukis.
Perkembangan ilmu paling pesat dalam Islam terjadi ketika kaum muslimin bertemu dengan kebudayaan dan peradaban yang telah maju dari bangsa-bangsa yang mereka taklukkan. Perkembang¬an tersebut semakin jelas sejak permulaan kekuasaan Bani Abbas pada pertengahan abad ke-8. Pemindahan ibukota Damsyik (Damascus) yang terletak di lingkungan Arab ke Baghdad yang berada di lingkungan Persia yang telah memiliki budaya keilmuan yang tinggi dan sudah mengenal ilmu pengetahuan dan filsafat Yunani, menjadi alat picu semaraknya semangat keilmuan yang telah dimiliki oleh kaum muslimin.
Pada masa ini umat islam telah banyak melakukan kajian kritis tentang ilmu pengetahuan sehingga ilmu pengetahuan baik aqli ( rasional ) maupun yang naqli mengalami kemajuan dengan sangat pesat. Proses pengalihan ilmu pengetahuan dilakukan dengan cara penerjemahan berbagai buku karangan bangsa-bangsa terdahulu, seperti bangsa yunani, romawi, dan persia, serta berbagai sumber naskah yang ada di timur tengah dan afrika, seperti mesopotamia dan mesir.
Diantara banyak ahli yang berperan dalam proses perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan adalah kelompok Mawali atau orang-orang non arab, seperti orang persia. Pada masa itu, pusat kajian ilmiah bertempat di masjid-masjid, misalnya masjid Basrah. Di masjid ini terdapat kelompok studi yang disebut Halaqat Al Jadl, Halaqad Al Fiqh, Halaqad Al Tafsir wal Hadist, Halaqad Al Riyadiyat, Halaqad lil Syi’ri wal adab, dan lain-lain. Banyak orang dari berbagai suku bangsa yang datang ke pertemuan ini. Dengan demikian berkembanglah kebudayaan dan ilmu pengetahuan dalam islam.
Pada mulanya ibu kota negara adalah al-Hasyimiyah, dekat Kufah. Namun, untuk lebih memantapkan dan menjaga stabilitas negara yang baru berdiri itu, al-Mansyur memindahkan ibu kota negara ke kota yang baru dibangunnya, Bagdad, dekat bekas ibu kota Persia, Clesiphon, tahun 762 M. Dengan demikian, pusat pemerintahan dinasti Bani Abbas berada di tengah-tengah bangsa Persia. Di ibu kota yang baru ini al-Manshur melakukan konsolidasi dan Penertiban pemerintahannya. Dia mengangkat sejumlah personal untuk menduduki jabatan di lembaga eksekutif dan yudikatif. Di bidang pemerintahan, dia menciptakan tradisi baru dengan mengangkat Wazir sebagai koordinator departemen, Wazir pertama yang diangkat adalah Khalid bin Barmak, berasal dari Balkh, Persia. Dia juga membentuk lembaga protokol negara, sekretaris negara, dan kepolisian negara disamping membenahi angkatan bersenjata. Dia menunjuk Muhammad ibn Abdurrahman sebagai hakim pada lembaga kehakiman negara. Jawatan pos yang sudah ada sejak masa dinasti Bani Umayyah ditingkatkan perananya dengan tambahan tugas. Kalau dulu hanya sekedar untuk mengantar surat. Pada masa al-Manshur, jawatan pos ditugaskan untuk menghimpun seluruh informasi di daerah-daerah sehingga administrasi kenegaraan dapat berjalan lancar. Para direktur jawatan pos bertugas melaporkan tingkah laku gubernur setempat kepada khalifah.
Khalifah al-Manshur berusaha menaklukkan kembali daerah-daerah yang sebelumnya membebaskan diri dari pemerintah pusat, dan memantapkan keamanan di daerah perbatasan. Diantara usaha-usaha tersebut adalah merebut benteng-benteng di Asia, kota Malatia, wilayah Coppadocia dan Cicilia pada tahun 756-758 M. Ke utara bala tentaranya melintasi pegunungan Taurus dan mendekati selat Bosporus. Di pihak lain, dia berdamai dengan kaisar Constantine V dan selama genjatan senjata 758-765 M, Bizantium membayar upeti tahunan. Bala tentaranya juga berhadapan dengan pasukan Turki Khazar di Kaukasus, Daylami di laut Kaspia, Turki di bagian lain Oksus dan India.
Pada masa al-Manshur pengertian khalifah kembali berubah. Dia berkata, "Innama anii Sulthan Allah fi ardhihi (sesungguhnya saya adalah kekuasaan Tuhan di bumi-Nya)". Dengan demikian, konsep khilafah dalam pandangannya dan berlanjut ke generasi sesudahnya merupakan mandat dari Allah, bukan dari manusia, bukan pula sekedar pelanjut Nabi sebagaimana pada masa al- Khulafa' al-Rasyiduun. Disamping itu, berbeda dari daulat Umayyah, khalifah-khalifah Abbasiyah memakai "gelar tahta", seperti al-Manshur adalah "gelar tahta". Abu Ja'far. "gelar tahta" itu lebih populer daripada nama yang sebenarnya.
Kalau dasar-dasar pemerintahan daulat Abbasiyah diletakkan dan dibangun oleh Abu al-Abbas dan Abu Ja'far al-Manshur, maka puncak keemasan dari dinasti ini berada pada tujuh khalifah sesudahnya, yaitu al-Mahdi (775-785 M), al-Hadi (775- 786 M), Harun al-Rasyid (786-809 M), al-Ma'mun (813-833 M), al-Mu'tashim (833-842 M), al-Wasiq (842-847 M), dan al-Mutawakkil (847-861 M). Pada masa al-Mahdi perekonomian mulai meningkat dengan peningkatan di sektor pertanian melalui irigasi dan peningkatan hasil pertambangan seperti perak, emas, tembaga dan besi. Terkecuali itu dagang transit antara Timur dan Barat juga banyak membawa kekayaan. Bashrah menjadi pelabuhan yang penting.
Popularitas daulat Abbasiyah mencapai puncaknya di zaman khalifah Harun al-Rasyid (786-809 M) dan puteranya al-Ma'mun (813-833 M). Kekayaan yang banyak dimanfaatkan Harun al-Rasyid untuk keperluan sosial. Rumah sakit, lembaga pendidikan dokter, dan farmasi didirikan. Pada masanya sudah terdapat paling tidak sekitar 800 orang dokter. Disamping itu, pemandian-pemandian umum juga dibangun. Kesejahteraan, sosial, kesehatan, pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan, dan kebudayaan serta kesusasteraan berada pada zaman keemasannya. Pada masa inilah negara Islam menempatkan dirinya sebagai negara terkuat dan tak tertandingi. Al-Ma'mun, pengganti al-Rasyid, dikenal sebagai khalifah yang sangat cinta kepada ilmu. Pada masa pemerintahannya, penerjemahan buku-buku asing digalakkan. Untuk menerjemahkan buku-buku Yunani, ia menggaji penerjemah-penerjemah dari golongan Kristen dan penganut agama lain yang ahli. Ia juga banyak mendirikan sekolah, salah satu karya besarnya yang terpenting adalah pembangunan Bait al-Hikmah, pusat penerjemahan yang berfungsi sebagai perguruan tinggi dengan perpustakaan yang besar. Pada masa Al-Ma'mun inilah Baghdad mulai menjadi pusat kebudayaan dan ilmu pengetahuan.
Al-Mu'tashim, khalifah berikutnya (833-842 M), memberi peluang besar kepada orang-orang Turki untuk masuk dalam pemerintahan, keterlibatan mereka dimulai sebagai tentara pengawal. Tidak seperti pada masa daulat Umayyah, dinasti Abbasiyah mengadakan perubahan sistem ketentaraan. Praktek orang-orang muslim mengikuti perang sudah terhenti. Tentara dibina secara khusus menjadi prajurit-prajurit profesional. Dengan demikian, kekuatan militer dinasti Bani Abbas menjadi sangat kuat.
Walaupun demikian, dalam periode ini banyak tantangan dan gerakan politik yang mengganggu stabilitas, baik dari kalangan Bani Abbas sendiri maupun dari luar. Gerakan-gerakan itu seperti gerakan sisa-sisa Bani Umayyah dan kalangan intern Bani Abbas, revolusi al-Khawarij di Afrika Utara, gerakan Zindik di Persia, gerakan Syi'ah, dan konflik antar bangsa dan aliran pemikiran keagamaan. Semuanya dapat dipadamkan.
Dari gambaran di atas Bani Abbasiyah pada periode pertama lebih menekankan pembinaan peradaban dan kebudayaan Islam daripada perluasan wilayah. Inilah perbedaan pokok antara Bani Abbas dan Bani Umayyah. Disamping itu, ada pula ciri-ciri menonjol dinasti Bani Abbas yang tak terdapat di zaman Bani Umayyah.
1. Dengan berpindahnya ibu kota ke Baghdad, pemerintahan Bani Abbas menjadi jauh dari pengaruh Arab. Sedangkan dinasti Bani Umayyah sangat berorientasi kepada Arab. Dalam periode pertama dan ketiga pemerintahan Abbasiyah, pengaruh kebudayaan Persia sangat kuat, dan pada periode kedua dan keempat bangsa Turki sangat dominan dalam politik dan pemerintahan dinasti ini.
2. Dalam penyelenggaraan negara, pada masa Bani Abbas ada jabatan wazir, yang membawahi kepala-kepala departemen. Jabatan ini tidak ada di dalam pemerintahan Bani Ummayah.
3. Ketentaraan profesional baru terbentuk pada masa pemerintahan Bani Abbas. Sebelumnya, belum ada tentara khusus yang profesional.
Sebagaimana diuraikan di atas, puncak perkembangan kebudayaan dan pemikiran Islam terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Bani Abbas. Akan tetapi, tidak berarti seluruhnya berawal dari kreativitas penguasa Bani Abbas sendiri. Sebagian di antaranya sudah dimulai sejak awal kebangkitan Islam. Dalam bidang pendidikan, misalnya, di awal Islam, lembaga pendidikan sudah mulai berkembang. Ketika itu, lembaga pendidikan terdiri dari dua tingkat:
1. Maktab/Kuttab dan masjid, yaitu lembaga pendidikan terendah, tempat anak-anak mengenal dasar-dasar bacaan, hitungan dan tulisan; dan tempat para remaja belajar dasar-dasar ilmu agama, seperti tafsir, hadits, fiqh dan bahasa.
2. Tingkat pendalaman. Para pelajar yang ingin memperdalam ilmunya, pergi keluar daerah menuntut ilmu kepada seorang atau beberapa orang ahli dalam bidangnya masing-masing. Pada umumnya, ilmu yang dituntut adalah ilmu-ilmu agama. Pengajarannya berlangsung di masjid-masjid atau di rumah-rumah ulama bersangkutan. Bagi anak penguasa pendidikan bisa berlangsung di istana atau di rumah penguasa tersebut dengan memanggil ulama ahli ke sana.
Lembaga-lembaga ini kemudian berkembang pada masa pemerintahan Bani Abbas, dengan berdirinya perpustakaan dan akademi. Perpustakaan pada masa itu lebih merupakan sebuah universitas, karena di samping terdapat kitab-kitab, di sana orang juga dapat membaca, menulis dan berdiskusi.
Perkembangan lembaga pendidikan itu mencerminkan terjadinya perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Hal ini sangat ditentukan oleh perkembangan bahasa Arab, baik sebagai bahasa administrasi yang sudah berlaku sejak zaman Bani Umayyah, maupun sebagai bahasa ilmu pengetahuan. Disamping itu, kemajuan itu paling tidak, juga ditentukan oleh dua hal, yaitu:
1. Terjadinya asimilasi antara bangsa Arab dengan bangsa-bangsa lain yang lebih dahulu mengalami perkembangan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Pada masa pemerintahan Bani Abbas, bangsa-bangsa non Arab banyak yang masuk Islam. Asimilasi berlangsung secara efektif dan bernilai guna. Bangsa-bangsa itu memberi saham tertentu dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam. Pengaruh Persia, sebagaimana sudah disebutkan, sangat kuat di bidang pemerintahan. Disamping itu, bangsa Persia banyak berjasa dalam perkembangan ilmu, filsafat dan sastra. Pengaruh India terlihat dalam bidang kedokteran, ilmu matematika dan astronomi. Sedangkan pengaruh Yunani masuk melalui terjemahan-terjemahan dalam banyak bidang ilmu, terutama filsafat.
2. Gerakan terjemahan yang berlangsung dalam tiga fase. Fase pertama, pada masa khalifah al-Manshur hingga Harun al-Rasyid. Pada fase ini yang banyak diterjemahkan adalah karya-karya dalam bidang astronomi dan manthiq. Fase kedua berlangsung mulai masa khalifah al-Ma'mun hingga tahun 300 H. Buku-buku yang banyak diterjemahkan adalah dalam bidang filsafat dan kedokteran. Fase ketiga berlangsung setelah tahun 300 H, terutama setelah adanya pembuatan kertas. Bidang-bidang ilmu yang diterjemahkan semakin meluas.
Pengaruh dari kebudayaan bangsa yang sudah maju tersebut, terutama melalui gerakan terjemahan, bukan saja membawa kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan umum, tetapi juga ilmu pengetahuan agama. Dalam bidang tafsir, sejak awal sudah dikenal dua metode, penafsiran pertama, tafsir bi al-ma'tsur, yaitu interpretasi tradisional dengan mengambil interpretasi dari Nabi dan para sahabat. Kedua, tafsir bi al-ra'yi, yaitu metode rasional yang lebih banyak bertumpu kepada pendapat dan pikiran daripada hadits dan pendapat sahabat. Kedua metode ini memang berkembang pada masa pemerintahan Bani Abbas. Akan tetapi jelas sekali bahwa tafsir dengan metode bi al-ra'yi, (tafsir rasional), sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan pemikiran filsafat dan ilmu pengetahuan. Hal yang sama juga terlihat dalam ilmu fiqh dan terutama dalam ilmu teologi. Perkembangan logika di kalangan umat Islam sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan dua bidang ilmu tersebut.
II. Ibnu Hasyim
Ibnu Hisyam
Abu Muhammad 'Abdul-Malik bin Hisyam (Bahasa Arab: أبو محمد عبدالمالك بن هشام), atau Ibnu Hisyam (meninggal 834) memperbaiki biografi Muhammad yang ditulis oleh Ibnu Ishaq. Biografi Muhammad yang ditulis oleh Ibnu Ishaq telah hilang, dan yang dikenal sekarang adalah yang sudah diperbaiki oleh Ibnu Hisyam.
Ibnu Hisyam lahir di Mesir, belajar di Kufah tetapi kemudian hidup di Mesir, dimana ia mendapat nama sebagai seorang ahli tata bahasa dan pelajar tentang bahasa dan sejarah.
Sirah Ibnu Hisyam
Naslinya adalah Abdul Mulk Ibnu Hisyam Ibnu Ayyub Al Himyari al Ma’arifi (Ma’arif ialah salah satu kabilah terbesar dari Yaman). Sebagian ulama’ lain mengatakan marga Ibnu Hisyam adalah al Dzuhali (sebuah kabilah yang di nisbatkan kepada Dzuhali Ibnu Syaiban). Tidak di ketahui secara pasti tahun berapa beliau di lahirkan, namun yang pasti beliau di lahirkan dan tumbuh dewasa di Bashroh, setelah menimba ilmu di kota kelahirannya ini, akhirnya beliau menguasai dan mahir tentang sastra arab, sehingga tak heran beliau menyandang gelar an Nahwiy (ahli nahwu). Sedang untuk pengetahuan siroh nabi (ilmu sejarah) beliau berguru kepada Yunus Ibnu Habib (w. 182 H.), Abi Ubaidah Ma’mar Ibnu al Mutsanna (w. 218 H.), Abi Mihroz Kholf Al Ahmar (w. 180 H.), dan Abi Zaid al Anshori (w. 210 H.).
Setelah belajar pada ulama’-ulama’ Bashroh beliaupun pergi ke Mesir untuk menyebarkan ilmunya, bahkan beliaupun menjadi salah satu ulama’ besar di Mesir dalam bidang sastra (sya’ir). Dan menurut al Suhaili dalam kitab al Roudl al Unf, Ibnu Hisyam wafat pada tahun 213 H. namun kalau menurut Ibnu Katsir dalam al Bidayah wal Nihayah-nya bahwa wafat Ibnu Hisyam adalah pada tahun 218 H.
Seperti yang telah di jelaskan di atas, buku “Sirah” karya Ibnu Hisyam pada asalnya adalah buku “sirah” milik Ibnu Ishaq yang di revisinya, sehingga Sirah Ibnu ishaq ini merupakan buku induk tentang sejarah kehidupan nabi. Disamping menjelaskan kehidupan masyarakat arab setelah kedatangan Islam, disana juga terdapat sekelumit cerita-cerita tentang kehidupan orang arab pra islam. “Sirah Ibnu Ishaq” ini lebih tepat di sebut sebagai sebuah dokumen yang menyimpan perjanjian-perjanjian serta peperangan-peperangan yang pernah terjadi dahulu, sehingga dengan rinci di situ di sebutkan siapa saja mereka yang ikut terlibat dalam peperangan tersebut dari kedua belah pihak, serta apa saja yang terjadi di antara mereka. Selain nilai sejarah, buku ini juga menyimpan kekayaan sastra yang tinggi, karena dalam buku ini Ibnu Ishaq mencantumkan banyak sya’ir yang pernah masyhur, seperti sya’ir-sya’ir yang dulu muncul dalam peperangan atau dalam kejadian-kejadian yang lain.
Kemudian berangkat dari rasa simpati dan ta’jub pada buku Siroh ini, Ibnu Hisyam bertekad untuk merevisi dan menyebarkannya pada masyarakat muslim dengan bentuk yang baru. Dengan kemampuannya, Ibnu Hisyam tidak serta merta menerima semua yang di tulis Ibnu Ishaq. Banyak hal yang tidak di setujuinya dalam tulisan Ibnu Ishaq. Ini dapat di lihat dari perkataannya ketika menjelaskan metodenya dalam merevisi buku ini : “Saya mengawali buku ini dengan cerita nabi Isma’il Ibnu Ibrohim, sebagai moyang nabi Muhammad, serta putra-putra Isma’il secara berurutan sehingga nasabnya sampai pada nabi Muhammad, dan dari tulisan Ibnu Ishaq ada yang saya hapus (tidak saya tulis lagi), yakni; cerita-cerita yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan nabi, dan cerita-cerita yang tidak menjadi Asbab al Nuzul dari turunnya ayat Al Qur’an atau tidak menjadi penjelasan / bukti dari ayat Al Qur’an, hal ini saya lakukan agar lebih ringkas. Syi’ir yang di tulis Ibnu Ishaq namun tidak di kenal di kalangan ulama’ ahli syi’ir juga saya hapus”. Selain itu Ibnu Hisyam juga menyisipkan banyak tambahan yang dianggapnya penting sebagai penyempurna.
Buku inipun selanjutnya mendapat perhatian sangat besar dari ulama’ ahli sejarah setelahnya. Ini terbukti dengan banyaknya ulama’ yang memberikan komentar (Syarah) pada karya Ibnu Hisyam ini. Salah satunya adalah Abul Qosim Abd al Rohman al Suhaili al Andalusi (w. 581 H.) dan kitab syarahnya ini diberi judul al Raudl al Unf, mulai di cetak di mesir oleh percetakan al Jamaliyyah pada tahun 1332 H. (1914 M.). Ada juga ulama’ yang meringkasnya seperti yang di lakukan oleh al Burhan Ibrahim Ibnu Muhammad Ibnu al Marhal yang di beri judul al Dzakhiro fi Mukhtashor al Sirah.
Selain komentar dan ringkasan, ada juga ulama’ yang mengubahnya dalam bentuk nadzom / si’ir, contohnya seperti Abu Nasr al Khordlowi (w. 663 H), Abd al Aziz Ibnu Ahmad (w. 697 H.), dan Abu Ishaq al Anshori al Tilmasi (w. 793 H.).
Hal itu merupakan bukti bahwa karya Ibnu Hisyam ini merupakan buku yang sangat penting, sehingga mendapat perhatian besar dari para ulama’
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dua Korea Baku Tembak
Korea Utara menembakkan sejumlah selongsong artileri ke perbatasan Korea Selatan, yang membalas dengan tembakan.
Sekitar 50 selongsong mendarat di Pulau Yeonpyeong, tak jauh dari Selat Kuning. Menurut laporan televisi setempat, tembakan itu menyebabkan beberapa orang terluka dan merusak lusinan rumah. Empat tentara Korea Selatan, menurut kantor berita Yonhap, terluka.
Kementerian Pertahanan Korea Selatan segera menaikkan tingkat kewaspadaan. Sejumlah pesawat jet dikirim ke pulau itu. Kepada AFP, juru bicara kementerian mengatakan sebuah unit artileri memulai dengan tembakan provokasi pada pukul 2:34 siang waktu setempat. "Pasukan Korea Selatan membalas sebagai upaya pertahanan diri," kata sumber itu.
Seorang penduduk Pulau Yeonpyeong, Lee Jong-Sik, mengatakan setidaknya sepuluh rumah terbakar. Ia tak dapat melihat jelas karena asap yang timbul. "Pengumuman melalui pengeras suara meminta kami meninggalkan rumah," kata dia kepada jaringan televisi YTN.
Ketegangan dua Korea meningkat sejak Maret lalu, ketika kapal perang Korea Selatan tenggelam. Korea Selatan menuduh Korea Utara menembak kapal selam itu dengan torpedo. Tuduhan itu dibantah keras oleh Korea Utara.
Akhir Oktober, baku tembak kembali terjadi di sekitar perbatasan.
Korea Utara mengklaim memiliki program pengayaan uranium yang tengah beroperasi. Ini menimbulkan ketegangan di kawasan, dan tekanan dari sejumlah negara agar Korea Utara menghentikan program itu.
Dua marinir Korea Selatan tewas dalam insiden tersebut.
Kantor kepresidenan Korea Selatan mengancam akan membalas dengan keras aksi provokasi Korea Utara.
Perdana Menteri Jepang Naoto Kan sudah memerintahkan persiapan menghadapi situasi terburuk.
"Kami akan bersiap agar apa pun yang terjadi, kami bisa menanganinya,"kata dia.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Panduan tentang India untuk Backpaker
India adalah salah satu negara dengan kebudayaan paling beragam dan terindah di dunia – campuran akan pantai cantik, ladang padi yang luas, kuil-kuil suci dan kota yang padat. Jalanan kotanya penuh warna, pemandangan alamnya yang menenangkan dan arsitekturnya yang menakjubkan dapat menginspirasi pelancong untuk mencari kebijaksanaan.
Dengan makanan yang murah, warga yang ramah dan ratusan hostel di India, bukan sebuah kejutan jika negara ini merupakan tujuan wajib para backpacker. Tetapi mengunjungi daerah luas seperti ini dapat cukup merepotkan – apakah Anda mulai dengan mendaki Himalaya, mencari liburan pantai bergaya hippie atau menyelami keramaian jalan Mumbai?
Berikut adalah panduan untuk tujuan-tujuan prioritas dari daftar perjalanan para backpacker!
Goa – Lebih dari Surga Hippie
Goa. Photo credits - Christopher Chan
Goa telah menjadi surga bagi para hippie sejak 1960an, ketika para pengelana bohemia berliburan secara hedonistik pada pantai berpasir sepanjang 105 km. Area ini masih terkenal dengan backpackernya, yang kebanyakan meninggalkan jejak hostel-hostel nyaman.
Kebanyakan pengunjung mengincar sinar matahari dan selancar, dan pesta pantai bernuansa trance di bawah bintang. Tetapi Goa masih memiliki potensi lebih dari itu – bekas jajahan Portugis ini memiliki gereja bersejarah, arsitektur menarik dan hidangan kuliner khasnya.
Menjajaki Ketinggian Himalaya
The Himalayas. Photo credits - FreeBird.
Pemandangan pegunungan dari Himalaya di India utara patut untuk dicoba meskipun Anda takut ketinggian. Pada musim dingin, penyuka ski bergerombol menuju puncak yang tertutup salju, dan pada musim panas para pecinta adrenalin akan mencoba trekking, arung jeram dan paragliding. Anda dapat menggunakan chairlift (elevator kursi) menuju ke puncak menyajikan pemandangan menakjubkan dari salah satu lansekap paling dramatis di India.
Mumbai yang Padat
Mumbai. Photo credits - lecercle.
Mumbai adalah kota yang sangat padat – tampaknya semuanya berjejalan memenuhi kota metropolis yang terus berkembang ini, dari perumahan kumuh sampai gedung pencakar langit dan restoran mewah. Tetapi tempat asal Bollywood yang berkilau ini layak untuk Anda kunjungi, dengan bazaar yang kuno dengan sistem barter, banyak bangunan kolonial yang masih berdiri dan permainan kriket di Oval.
Mungkin Anda tidak ingin berbaur dengan para golongan atas Mumbai di bar dan klub malam elitnya, tetapi selalu ada tempat yang cocok untuk setiap orang, jauh dari pusat keramaian. Pecinta pantai dapat bersantai di Pantai Chowpatty sebelum mengagumi patung Siwa dan kuil yang dipahat dari batu di Pulau Gajah (Elephant Island).
Calcutta yang Penuh Warna
Calcutta. Photo credits - RickyDavid
Di luar reputasinya yang berada di bawah garis kemiskinan, Calcutta adalah kota yang mengagumkan dan hidup untuk Anda kunjungi. Rumah dari Bunda Theresa, Calcutta memiliki warisan intelektual dan budaya yang kaya, dan bekas pusat Kerajaan Inggris, terdapat peninggalan arsitektur jaman kolonial, dari Victoria Memorial sampai ke Villa Palladian.
Kota di Calcutta sebelah Utara adalah Bengali, di mana Anda dapat melihat jalanan Shambazar yang sibuk dan dipenuhi oleh kios-kios yang berwarna-warni, gereja tertua dan yang sangat menawan adalah Istana Marmer. Anda dapat melihat gaya kehidupan penduduk setempat di Kuil Kali di Kalighat.
Delhi, Campuran Masa Lalu dan Sekarang
Delhi. Photo credits - Rob & Ale
Ibu kota negara ini adalah sebuah campuran memikat antara desa tua dan permukiman ultra modern, dan Anda akan menemukan beberapa reruntuhan menakjubkan di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan dan bioskop di New Delhi. Kunjungilah reruntuhan istana dari abad ke 13 di sepanjang tepi sungai Yamuna, Qtab Minar di sebelah selatan kota dan Huaz untuk peninggalan yang akan membuat Anda terkesima.
Delhi adalah salah satu kota tertua di dunia dan memiliki daftar yang sangat panjang akan lokasi budaya – pastikan Anda mengunjungi Benteng Red Sandstone, Makam Humayun dan Kompleks Masjid dan Menara Qutub, sebuah taman yang sangat indah serta warisan dunia yang diakui UNESCO.
Taj Mahal yang Mengagumkan di Agra
The Taj Mahal in Agra. Photo credits - Stuck in Customs
Kota industri ini menarik banyak turis karena Taj Mahalnya yang menakjubkan, yang kemegahannya lebih dari pembicaraan orang. Agra penuh dengan arsitektur mengagumkan lainnya peninggalan kerajaan Mughal, dengan benteng dan makam megah di pinggir sungai, seperti Itimad-ud Daulah yang menyerupai Taj Mahal versi mini
Jika Anda ingin mengunjungi Benteng Agra dan Taj Mahal pada hari yang sama, Anda akan mendapat potongan harga tiket sebanyak Rs 50 – bagus untuk mengikis biaya wisata budaya anda!
Pantai yang Tenang di Kerala
Kerala. Photo credits - Negi
Setelah perjalanan keliling kota yang sibuk, pantai dan perairan tenang di Kerala bisa menjadi perubahan yang menyenangkan. Denyut kehidupan berjalan dengan tenang di pusat India Selatan ini, dan hutan hijau yang lebat penuh dengan kehidupan di dalamnya. Jaringan sungai dan kanal merupakan ciri khas kerala bagi banyak pengunjung, dengan laguna yang mengarah ke ladang padi, rumpunan pohon kelapa dan desa terpencil.
Anda dapat menghabiskan beberapa hari beristirahat pada pasir emasnya, menikmati berperahu menuju kota tradisional atau mengunjungi pedalaman Ghat yang berbukit untuk trekking dan melihat satwa eksotis. Hidangan lokalnya merupakan atraksi tersendiri – makanannya beraroma pala dari tanaman rempah, disajikan di atas daun pisang dan dimakan dengan tangan, dan diakhiri minuman air kelapa.
Dengan makanan yang murah, warga yang ramah dan ratusan hostel di India, bukan sebuah kejutan jika negara ini merupakan tujuan wajib para backpacker. Tetapi mengunjungi daerah luas seperti ini dapat cukup merepotkan – apakah Anda mulai dengan mendaki Himalaya, mencari liburan pantai bergaya hippie atau menyelami keramaian jalan Mumbai?
Berikut adalah panduan untuk tujuan-tujuan prioritas dari daftar perjalanan para backpacker!
Goa – Lebih dari Surga Hippie
Goa. Photo credits - Christopher Chan
Goa telah menjadi surga bagi para hippie sejak 1960an, ketika para pengelana bohemia berliburan secara hedonistik pada pantai berpasir sepanjang 105 km. Area ini masih terkenal dengan backpackernya, yang kebanyakan meninggalkan jejak hostel-hostel nyaman.
Kebanyakan pengunjung mengincar sinar matahari dan selancar, dan pesta pantai bernuansa trance di bawah bintang. Tetapi Goa masih memiliki potensi lebih dari itu – bekas jajahan Portugis ini memiliki gereja bersejarah, arsitektur menarik dan hidangan kuliner khasnya.
Menjajaki Ketinggian Himalaya
The Himalayas. Photo credits - FreeBird.
Pemandangan pegunungan dari Himalaya di India utara patut untuk dicoba meskipun Anda takut ketinggian. Pada musim dingin, penyuka ski bergerombol menuju puncak yang tertutup salju, dan pada musim panas para pecinta adrenalin akan mencoba trekking, arung jeram dan paragliding. Anda dapat menggunakan chairlift (elevator kursi) menuju ke puncak menyajikan pemandangan menakjubkan dari salah satu lansekap paling dramatis di India.
Mumbai yang Padat
Mumbai. Photo credits - lecercle.
Mumbai adalah kota yang sangat padat – tampaknya semuanya berjejalan memenuhi kota metropolis yang terus berkembang ini, dari perumahan kumuh sampai gedung pencakar langit dan restoran mewah. Tetapi tempat asal Bollywood yang berkilau ini layak untuk Anda kunjungi, dengan bazaar yang kuno dengan sistem barter, banyak bangunan kolonial yang masih berdiri dan permainan kriket di Oval.
Mungkin Anda tidak ingin berbaur dengan para golongan atas Mumbai di bar dan klub malam elitnya, tetapi selalu ada tempat yang cocok untuk setiap orang, jauh dari pusat keramaian. Pecinta pantai dapat bersantai di Pantai Chowpatty sebelum mengagumi patung Siwa dan kuil yang dipahat dari batu di Pulau Gajah (Elephant Island).
Calcutta yang Penuh Warna
Calcutta. Photo credits - RickyDavid
Di luar reputasinya yang berada di bawah garis kemiskinan, Calcutta adalah kota yang mengagumkan dan hidup untuk Anda kunjungi. Rumah dari Bunda Theresa, Calcutta memiliki warisan intelektual dan budaya yang kaya, dan bekas pusat Kerajaan Inggris, terdapat peninggalan arsitektur jaman kolonial, dari Victoria Memorial sampai ke Villa Palladian.
Kota di Calcutta sebelah Utara adalah Bengali, di mana Anda dapat melihat jalanan Shambazar yang sibuk dan dipenuhi oleh kios-kios yang berwarna-warni, gereja tertua dan yang sangat menawan adalah Istana Marmer. Anda dapat melihat gaya kehidupan penduduk setempat di Kuil Kali di Kalighat.
Delhi, Campuran Masa Lalu dan Sekarang
Delhi. Photo credits - Rob & Ale
Ibu kota negara ini adalah sebuah campuran memikat antara desa tua dan permukiman ultra modern, dan Anda akan menemukan beberapa reruntuhan menakjubkan di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan dan bioskop di New Delhi. Kunjungilah reruntuhan istana dari abad ke 13 di sepanjang tepi sungai Yamuna, Qtab Minar di sebelah selatan kota dan Huaz untuk peninggalan yang akan membuat Anda terkesima.
Delhi adalah salah satu kota tertua di dunia dan memiliki daftar yang sangat panjang akan lokasi budaya – pastikan Anda mengunjungi Benteng Red Sandstone, Makam Humayun dan Kompleks Masjid dan Menara Qutub, sebuah taman yang sangat indah serta warisan dunia yang diakui UNESCO.
Taj Mahal yang Mengagumkan di Agra
The Taj Mahal in Agra. Photo credits - Stuck in Customs
Kota industri ini menarik banyak turis karena Taj Mahalnya yang menakjubkan, yang kemegahannya lebih dari pembicaraan orang. Agra penuh dengan arsitektur mengagumkan lainnya peninggalan kerajaan Mughal, dengan benteng dan makam megah di pinggir sungai, seperti Itimad-ud Daulah yang menyerupai Taj Mahal versi mini
Jika Anda ingin mengunjungi Benteng Agra dan Taj Mahal pada hari yang sama, Anda akan mendapat potongan harga tiket sebanyak Rs 50 – bagus untuk mengikis biaya wisata budaya anda!
Pantai yang Tenang di Kerala
Kerala. Photo credits - Negi
Setelah perjalanan keliling kota yang sibuk, pantai dan perairan tenang di Kerala bisa menjadi perubahan yang menyenangkan. Denyut kehidupan berjalan dengan tenang di pusat India Selatan ini, dan hutan hijau yang lebat penuh dengan kehidupan di dalamnya. Jaringan sungai dan kanal merupakan ciri khas kerala bagi banyak pengunjung, dengan laguna yang mengarah ke ladang padi, rumpunan pohon kelapa dan desa terpencil.
Anda dapat menghabiskan beberapa hari beristirahat pada pasir emasnya, menikmati berperahu menuju kota tradisional atau mengunjungi pedalaman Ghat yang berbukit untuk trekking dan melihat satwa eksotis. Hidangan lokalnya merupakan atraksi tersendiri – makanannya beraroma pala dari tanaman rempah, disajikan di atas daun pisang dan dimakan dengan tangan, dan diakhiri minuman air kelapa.
6 Festival Khas di Indonesia
Indonesia sering disebut sebagai raksasa tidur Asia Tenggara, dan julukan itu memang tepat. Dengan lebih dari 18 ribu pulau, gugusan pulau ini memiliki keragaman luar biasa akan apa yang bisa Anda lihat atau lakukan saat berlibur ke sana.
Modernisasi membawa berbagai macam pembangunan (sebagian mengatakan pembangunan yang berlebihan) ke Jakarta, sementara pariwisata Bali kembali hidup setelah sempat hancur ketika ledakan bom 2002 lalu. Ada juga pegunungan seperti Bromo dan Borobudur yang mistis bagi pencari berbagai jenis atraksi, selain juga 6.000 pulau berpenghuni.
Tidak mengherankan bila Indonesia menawarkan berbagai macam festival yang sangat khas menonjolkan budaya mereka, mencerminkan keragaman etnis dan tradisi dari berbagai bagian nusantara. Anda akan menemukan keragaman itu dalam enam festival khas Indonesia ini, mulai dari perayaan seni, batik, tarian dan upacara. Jika mungkin, Anda bisa menyaksikan salah satu festival ketika berkunjung ke Indonesia!
Festival Krakatau
Festival Krakatau adalah festival tahunan yang diselenggarakan di Lampung, diadakan untuk merayakan pulau vulkanik bernama sama, Krakatau. Gunung Krakatau meletus pada 1927, letusan itu kemudian menghasilkan pulau-pulau kecil baru, yang diberi nama Anak Krakatau.
Selama festival, pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai macam pertunjukkan seperti Karnaval Tuping (Karnaval Topeng Lampung), atraksi gajah serta berbagai macam tarian dari Lampund dan kota sekitarnya. Akhir dari rangkaian acara ini adalah kunjungan ke pulau vulkanik itu, masih aktif tetapi sedang tidur lelap. Untuk sementara!
Festival Seni Bali
Salah satu perayaan seni budaya tahunan terbesar di Indonesia, Festival Seni Bali selalu penuh sesak. Selama sebulan penuh, berbagai pertunjukan seni, pameran, dan aktivitas budaya lainnya akan berlangsung di seluruh Bali, menawarkan tarian, musik dan keindahan budaya mereka.
Perayaan terkenal itu menampilkan pertunjukan seperti tarian tradisional yang sudah hampir terlupakan, jejak dari daerah terpencil di Bali, makanan, kerajinan tangan, serta kreasi baru dari sekolah-sekolah tari di Denpasar dan koreografi kontemporer dari seniman nasional dan internasional.
Karnaval Batik Solo
Sejak zaman dahulu, tradisi batik selalu memiliki akar yang sangat kuat di Solo. Kotadi Jawa Tengah itu bahkan telah menjadikan batik sebagai ikon dan identitas, sebuah gambaran tepat dari kota yang terkenal karena keindahan kerajaannya dan kehalusan
perilaku. Karnaval Batik Solo diadakan untuk memperkuat tradisi itu, dan untuk mempromosikan batik pada skala nasional dan internasional.
Acara ini adalah kombinasi upacara, pagelaran busana dan karnaval, semuanya menggunakan batik sebagai tema. Akan ada juga bazar yang menawarkan berbagai macam batik dan suvenir unik Solo.
Festival Musik Etnik Internasional Solo
Salah satu festival terbaru dari Solo adalah Solo International Ethnic Music (SIEM) Festival, yang berfokus pada pertunjukan dan perayaan musik etnis. Ajang ini adalah suatu platform unik bagi kolaborasi antara musik modern dan etnis, seniman lokal dan
Daftar panjang para penampil termasuk seniman Minangkabau, Riau, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Papua, Kalimantan, dan bahkan seniman asing dari Jepang, Australia, India, Selandia Baru dan banyak lainnya.
Gerebeg Mulud
Dalam bahasa Jawa, gerebeg berarti kerumunan orang dan mulud adalah salah satu nama bulan di kalender Jawa. Perayaan itu, juga dikenal dengan nama Sekaten, untuk merayakan kelahiran Nabi Muhammad. Prosesi itu berlangsung seharian dan 'menampilkan' dua pertunjukan gamelan yang diarak menuju Mesjid Agung.
Pada malam hari akan ada pasar di sebelah utara kota untuk menambah kemeriahan kota, tempat yang tepat untuk mencoba berbagai makanan Jawa dan Yogyakarta serta untuk berburu suvenir.
Festival Lembah Baliem
Festival khas Papua ini berakar kepada kepercayaan suku-suku lokal bahwa perang bukan hanya konflik keuasaan dan kepentingan, tetapi juga simbol kesuburan dan kemakmuran. Sejak 20 tahun lalu, pemerintah daerah telah menekankan pentingnya perdamaian antara suku-suku yang berperang untuk mencegah balas dendam berkepanjangan dan hilangnya nyawa. Jadi, Festival Lembah Baliem adalah suatu acara yang diadakan untuk menggantikan perang antar suku itu.
Seperti yang bisa Anda tebak, acara utama adalah perang-perangan antar suku. Bayangkan lebih dari 20 suku berbeda dengan masing-masing 30 hingga 50 orang mengenakan pakaian tradisional, membawa tombak, busur, panah dan parang! Ada juga pertunjukan dan sejumlah atraksi lain, seperti permainan tradisional setempat, tarian, serta masakan lokal.
Nikolas Tjhin adalah editor Unearthing Asia, zine perjalanan yang berfokus pada gaya hidup, budaya, dan atraksi seputar Asia. Cek edisi terbaru kami, pengunjung bisa mengunjungi situs daring bahkan mengunduhnya.
Modernisasi membawa berbagai macam pembangunan (sebagian mengatakan pembangunan yang berlebihan) ke Jakarta, sementara pariwisata Bali kembali hidup setelah sempat hancur ketika ledakan bom 2002 lalu. Ada juga pegunungan seperti Bromo dan Borobudur yang mistis bagi pencari berbagai jenis atraksi, selain juga 6.000 pulau berpenghuni.
Tidak mengherankan bila Indonesia menawarkan berbagai macam festival yang sangat khas menonjolkan budaya mereka, mencerminkan keragaman etnis dan tradisi dari berbagai bagian nusantara. Anda akan menemukan keragaman itu dalam enam festival khas Indonesia ini, mulai dari perayaan seni, batik, tarian dan upacara. Jika mungkin, Anda bisa menyaksikan salah satu festival ketika berkunjung ke Indonesia!
Festival Krakatau
Festival Krakatau adalah festival tahunan yang diselenggarakan di Lampung, diadakan untuk merayakan pulau vulkanik bernama sama, Krakatau. Gunung Krakatau meletus pada 1927, letusan itu kemudian menghasilkan pulau-pulau kecil baru, yang diberi nama Anak Krakatau.
Selama festival, pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai macam pertunjukkan seperti Karnaval Tuping (Karnaval Topeng Lampung), atraksi gajah serta berbagai macam tarian dari Lampund dan kota sekitarnya. Akhir dari rangkaian acara ini adalah kunjungan ke pulau vulkanik itu, masih aktif tetapi sedang tidur lelap. Untuk sementara!
Festival Seni Bali
Salah satu perayaan seni budaya tahunan terbesar di Indonesia, Festival Seni Bali selalu penuh sesak. Selama sebulan penuh, berbagai pertunjukan seni, pameran, dan aktivitas budaya lainnya akan berlangsung di seluruh Bali, menawarkan tarian, musik dan keindahan budaya mereka.
Perayaan terkenal itu menampilkan pertunjukan seperti tarian tradisional yang sudah hampir terlupakan, jejak dari daerah terpencil di Bali, makanan, kerajinan tangan, serta kreasi baru dari sekolah-sekolah tari di Denpasar dan koreografi kontemporer dari seniman nasional dan internasional.
Karnaval Batik Solo
Sejak zaman dahulu, tradisi batik selalu memiliki akar yang sangat kuat di Solo. Kotadi Jawa Tengah itu bahkan telah menjadikan batik sebagai ikon dan identitas, sebuah gambaran tepat dari kota yang terkenal karena keindahan kerajaannya dan kehalusan
perilaku. Karnaval Batik Solo diadakan untuk memperkuat tradisi itu, dan untuk mempromosikan batik pada skala nasional dan internasional.
Acara ini adalah kombinasi upacara, pagelaran busana dan karnaval, semuanya menggunakan batik sebagai tema. Akan ada juga bazar yang menawarkan berbagai macam batik dan suvenir unik Solo.
Festival Musik Etnik Internasional Solo
Salah satu festival terbaru dari Solo adalah Solo International Ethnic Music (SIEM) Festival, yang berfokus pada pertunjukan dan perayaan musik etnis. Ajang ini adalah suatu platform unik bagi kolaborasi antara musik modern dan etnis, seniman lokal dan
Daftar panjang para penampil termasuk seniman Minangkabau, Riau, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Papua, Kalimantan, dan bahkan seniman asing dari Jepang, Australia, India, Selandia Baru dan banyak lainnya.
Gerebeg Mulud
Dalam bahasa Jawa, gerebeg berarti kerumunan orang dan mulud adalah salah satu nama bulan di kalender Jawa. Perayaan itu, juga dikenal dengan nama Sekaten, untuk merayakan kelahiran Nabi Muhammad. Prosesi itu berlangsung seharian dan 'menampilkan' dua pertunjukan gamelan yang diarak menuju Mesjid Agung.
Pada malam hari akan ada pasar di sebelah utara kota untuk menambah kemeriahan kota, tempat yang tepat untuk mencoba berbagai makanan Jawa dan Yogyakarta serta untuk berburu suvenir.
Festival Lembah Baliem
Festival khas Papua ini berakar kepada kepercayaan suku-suku lokal bahwa perang bukan hanya konflik keuasaan dan kepentingan, tetapi juga simbol kesuburan dan kemakmuran. Sejak 20 tahun lalu, pemerintah daerah telah menekankan pentingnya perdamaian antara suku-suku yang berperang untuk mencegah balas dendam berkepanjangan dan hilangnya nyawa. Jadi, Festival Lembah Baliem adalah suatu acara yang diadakan untuk menggantikan perang antar suku itu.
Seperti yang bisa Anda tebak, acara utama adalah perang-perangan antar suku. Bayangkan lebih dari 20 suku berbeda dengan masing-masing 30 hingga 50 orang mengenakan pakaian tradisional, membawa tombak, busur, panah dan parang! Ada juga pertunjukan dan sejumlah atraksi lain, seperti permainan tradisional setempat, tarian, serta masakan lokal.
Nikolas Tjhin adalah editor Unearthing Asia, zine perjalanan yang berfokus pada gaya hidup, budaya, dan atraksi seputar Asia. Cek edisi terbaru kami, pengunjung bisa mengunjungi situs daring bahkan mengunduhnya.
25 Negara Dilanda Kelaparan Sangat Parah
25 Negara Dilanda Kelaparan Sangat Parah
WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com — Kemiskinan, konflik, dan ketidakstabilan politik menyebabkan satu miliar orang menderita kelaparan tahun ini, yang sebagian besar berdampak pada anak-anak di Afrika dan Asia, menurut laporan Indeks Kelaparan Global yang diterbitkan pada Senin (11/10/2010).
"Dari 122 negara yang tertera dalam laporan tahunan, 25 negara di antaranya memiliki tingkat kelaparan yang mengkhawatirkan dan empat negara di Afrika berada pada tingkat sangat mengkhawatirkan,"kata laporan oleh Lembaga Riset Kebijakan Pangan Internasional (International Food Policy Research Institute/IFPRI), Concern Worldwide, dan Welthungerhilte.
Republik Demokratik Kongo dinilai sebagai yang terburuk dalam indeks kelaparan, berdasarkan data dari 2003-2008.
Tiga per empat dari populasi di negara Afrika tengah itu secara luas menderita kekurangan gizi dan Kongo juga salah satu negara dengan tingkat kematian anak tertinggi di dunia, menurut temuan para peneliti yang menyusun indeks tersebut.
Tiga faktor yang digunakan untuk menghitung Indeks Kelaparan Global (GHI), yaitu banyaknya penduduk kekurangan gizi di suatu negara, berat badan anak di bawah rata-rata, dan tingkat kematian anak.
"Perang saudara yang berlarut-larut sejak akhir 1990-an telah menyebabkan keruntuhan ekonomi, pengungsian besar-besaran, dan kondisi ketidakamanan makanan yang kronis di Kongo,"kata laporan itu.
"Tingkat ketersediaan dan akses makanan memburuk dengan menurunnya produksi makanan, dan wilayah terpencil menjadi lebih terisolasi sebagai akibat sangat buruknya infrastruktur,"katanya.
Indeks tersebut menilai bahwa banyak negara dengan skala 100 poin, dengan nol merupakan nilai terbaik—tidak ada kelaparan—dan 100 sebagai nilai terburuk, meski secara praktik tidak ada negara yang ditaksir sebagai terbaik atau terburuk.
Negara yang memiliki nilai lebih dari 20 poin dinilai tingkat kelaparan mengkhawatirkan dan di atas 30 poin dinilai kelaparan sangat mengkhawatirkan.
Tiga negara lain dengan tingkat kelaparan sangat tinggi adalah Burundi, Eritrea, dan Chad. Kesemuanya terlibat dalam konflik memanas atau terbuka selama bertahun-tahun.
Kecuali Haiti dan Yaman, semua 25 negara dengan tingkat kelaparan mengkhawatirkan berada di wilayah sub-Sahara Afrika atau Asia.
Negara yang menempati urutan kelaparan terburuk adalah Nepal, Tanzania, Kamboja, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Togo, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Mozambik, India, Banglades, Liberia, Zambia, Timor Leste, Niger, Angola, Yaman, Republik Afrika Tengah, Madagaskar, Komoro, Haiti, Sierra Leone, dan Etiopia.
Bersama dengan Burundi, DRC dan Eritrea, Komoro—negara kepulauan di lepas pantai timur Afrika yang rawan kudeta—dan Haiti menempati tingkat kekurangan gizi lebih dari 50 persen penduduknya.
Di Banglades, India, Timor Leste, dan Yaman tercatat lebih dari 40 persen anak berusia di bawah lima tahun kekurangan berat badan.
Afganistan, Angola, Chad, dan Somalia memiliki tingkat kematian anak tertinggi, dengan lebih dari 20 persen anak meninggal sebelum mencapai usia lima tahun.
Korea Utara merupakan salah satu dari sembilan negara dalam nilai indeks kelaparannya meningkat—dari 16,2 poin pada 1990 menjadi 19,4 poin pada 2010.
Delapan negara lainnya, semuanya berada di wilayah sub-Sahara Afrika—selain Gambia, Swaziland, dan Zimbabwe—konflik merupakan penyebab kelaparan di wilayah tersebut.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Jepang Tawarkan Beasiswa Bagi Pelajar Indonesia
Jepang Tawarkan Beasiswa Bagi Pelajar Indonesia
Medan (ANTARA) - Kedutaan Besar Jepang menawarkan beasiswa pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho) kepada para pelajar Indonesia lulusan SMA sederajat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke negeri matahari terbit tersebut.
"Beasiswa tersebut berupa melanjutkan pendidikan ke universitas di Jepang baik program S-1. D-III an D-II. Pendaftaran mulai dibuka 10 Mei dan ditutup 10 Juni 2010," kata Kabag humas Konsulat Jendral Jepang di Medan, Aya Kumakura, dalam siaran persnya yang diterima Kamis.
Ia mengatakan, bagi yang berminat dapat mengambil formulir pendaftaran Kedubes Jepang bagian pendidikan di Jakarta, Konsulat Jepang di Surabaya dan Medan serta di Konsuler Jepang Makassar.
Sementara bagi siswa tinggal diluar wilayah Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Medan dan Makasar dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran ke Kedubes Jepang engan alamat Jalan MH Thamrin No 24 Jakarta Pusat kode pos 103550.
"Surat lamaran harus berisi nama, alamat, nomor telepon, prodi pilihan, dan juga melampirkan fotocopy rapor, ijazah, serta nilai ijazah. kami akan menganggap sah walau tanpa formulir pendaftaran," katanya.
Syarat lainnya lanjut dia, calon penerima beasiswa harus lahir antara 2 April 1989 hingga 1 April 1994, memiliki nilai ijazah atau rapor kelas tiga semester terakhir minimal 8,4 untuk program S-1, 8,0 untuk program D-III dan D-II.
"Jika pada saat penutupan tanggal 10 Juni 2010 nilai ijazah asli belum keluar maka nilai ijazah sementara dari kepala sekolah akan tetap diterima. Berkas yang masuk akan diseleksi berdasarkan nilai ijazah dan rapor," katanya.
Bagi yang sudah mendaftar nanti akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian tertulis pada Juli 2010 dan bagi yang lulus ujian tertulis selanjutnya akan dipanggil untuk tes wawancara dalam bahasa Indonesia pada bulan Agustus.
Bagi yang lulus tes wawancara akan direkomendasikan ke Monbukagukusho dan jika lulus tes di Monbukagukusho akan jadi penerima beasiswa yang akan ditetapkan pada Januari 2011.
Bagi siswa yang berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut akan diberikan fasilitas bebas biaya ujian masuk, biaya kuliah, tiket Indonesia-Jepang (pulang pergi) serta juga akan diberikan tunjangan sebesar 125 ribu yen perbulan.
Duet 'Calon' Bunuh Diri Berakhir di Pelaminan
VIVAnews - Manusia berencana, namun Tuhan yang menentukan. Nasihat klise ini betul-betul terjadi pada seorang pemuda asal Rusia, Andriej Ivanov (26).
Seperti dikutip dari laman Orange edisi Selasa 11 Mei 2010, Andriej berencana mengakhiri hidup di sebuah jembatan karena tak kuat menjalani hidup tanpa tunangannya yang tewas karena kecelakaan sehari sebelum pernikahan.
Andriej pun berencana terjun dari jembatan di Ufa, Rusia. Tapi, saat berada di tepi tiang di jembatan itu dan bersiap loncat, Andriej melihat seorang perempuan yang berpegangan di pegangan tangga di jembatan tersebut. Perempuan yang juga hendak bunuh diri itu belakangan diketahui bernama Maria Petrova (21). Dia dibuang orang tuanya karena hamil tanpa suami.
Hanya beberapa detik sebelum terjun ke sungai Belaya yang membeku saat Andriej menarik Maria dari tepi jembatan.
"Sesuatu di hati saya mengatakan bahwa dia tidak boleh melakukan itu walau hati saya sedang hancur lebur saat itu," kata Andriej. Dia mengaku mengurungkan niat bunuh diri dan menolong perempuan itu.
Setelah aksi tersebut, Andriej dan Maria kemudian saling berpelukan dan menangis. Lalu, mereka saling bercerita sepanjang malam. Mereka pun sepakat saling menolong dalam melalui proses luka batin.
Saat ini, mereka malah berencana akan menikah setelah memberitahu seluruh keluarga besar. "Semua penderitaan itu sangat berharga karena mempertemukan saya dengan Andriej," kata Maria.
Seperti dikutip dari laman Orange edisi Selasa 11 Mei 2010, Andriej berencana mengakhiri hidup di sebuah jembatan karena tak kuat menjalani hidup tanpa tunangannya yang tewas karena kecelakaan sehari sebelum pernikahan.
Andriej pun berencana terjun dari jembatan di Ufa, Rusia. Tapi, saat berada di tepi tiang di jembatan itu dan bersiap loncat, Andriej melihat seorang perempuan yang berpegangan di pegangan tangga di jembatan tersebut. Perempuan yang juga hendak bunuh diri itu belakangan diketahui bernama Maria Petrova (21). Dia dibuang orang tuanya karena hamil tanpa suami.
Hanya beberapa detik sebelum terjun ke sungai Belaya yang membeku saat Andriej menarik Maria dari tepi jembatan.
"Sesuatu di hati saya mengatakan bahwa dia tidak boleh melakukan itu walau hati saya sedang hancur lebur saat itu," kata Andriej. Dia mengaku mengurungkan niat bunuh diri dan menolong perempuan itu.
Setelah aksi tersebut, Andriej dan Maria kemudian saling berpelukan dan menangis. Lalu, mereka saling bercerita sepanjang malam. Mereka pun sepakat saling menolong dalam melalui proses luka batin.
Saat ini, mereka malah berencana akan menikah setelah memberitahu seluruh keluarga besar. "Semua penderitaan itu sangat berharga karena mempertemukan saya dengan Andriej," kata Maria.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Liat dulu olahraga unik yang satu ini : Catur Tinju (Chess Boxing)
Catur tinju. Chess Boxing? Tinju Catur! Ambil dua olahraga, karena mereka tidak bisa lebih kontras, dan menggabungkan mereka ke dalam hiburan baru dan menerima sebuah olahraga yang membutuhkan lebih dan lebih devotees. sportal.de menerangi Anda tentang tinju catur.
Oleh mantan juara dunia tinju Lennox Lewis sadar bahwa dia pelatih dengan permainan catur sebelum memerangi maddeningly. Mantan juara catur Garry Kasparov tidak diketahui apakah ia di depan sebuah permainan catur dengan lulus nifty saat pertandingan tinju, tapi kita harus menerimanya sebagai agak tidak mungkin.
Tinju catur pertama kali muncul pada tahun 1993 di khatulistiwa dingin seniman komik Enki Bilal Serbia. Dari jumlah tersebut, terinspirasi, menyelenggarakan artis Belanda yang bermarkas di Berlin Iepe Rubingh 2003, pertandingan pertama pameran.
Sekakmat atau co
Rubingh selalu memiliki pemain catur tajam. Tapi hanya ketika dia mulai sendiri dengan tinju, ia juga mendirikan Federasi Dunia Catur Dunia Boxing Organisasi dan Berlin Schachboxverein CBCB.
http://ad.de.doubleclick.net/ad/4471.sportal.de/sportmix; sz \u003d 300x250; ubin \u003d 1; Ord \u003d 123456789? (Http: / / ad.de.doubleclick.net/jump/4471.sportal.de/sportmix; sz \u003d 300x250; ubin \u003d 1; Ord \u003d 123.456.789) Aturan? Yang sederhana. Perlombaan berjalan lebih maksimal sebelas putaran, enam putaran di empat menit blitz bergantian dengan lima ronde tinju tiga menit.
dapat dimenangkan oleh sekakmat atau oleh Ko, permainan catur berakhir seri, wasit memutuskan pemenang dalam tinju. Berakhir menang melawan menggambar, sehingga orang yang telah memainkan catur dengan keping hitam, lawannya telah meninggalkan saat kereta pertama.
Terlalu banyak pukulan ke kepala ...
awam mungkin berpikir sekarang terkejut bahwa banyak pukulan ke kepala, kemampuan untuk berpikir, catur sangat penting untuk berkompromi, tapi ini benar-benar salah, kata Rubingh.
Keterampilan berpikir tidak menderita, tetapi kebugaran fisik meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak. usap Sebuah mereka sampai hari berikutnya, Belanda jelas waktu online.
Sehingga pemain tidak dapat kereta berteriak dari penonton, kedua lawan telah headphone pada pada papan catur, yang menetes kebisingan laut ke telinga mereka.
Nikolai juara dunia Sazhin
Salah satu bintang pertama tempat Berlin Polisi Officer Frank "Anti Teror" Stoldt, yang mampu mendorong melalui pada November 2007 di kelas berat ringan melawan Amerika David "Double D" Depto oleh sekakmat. Stoldt mengatakan dirinya bahwa ia adalah seorang pemain catur kelas tiga dan seorang petinju tingkat ketiga, kondisi terbaik untuk itu untuk menjadi petinju kelas dunia catur.
Pada bulan Juli 2008, Stoldt kehilangan gelarnya tetapi Rusia Nikolay Sazhin. berikutnya judul-Nya melawan Double D Depto awal Oktober tetapi harus ditunda karena Rusia telah terluka dalam pelatihan.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sony Siap Meluncurkan atracTable, Mahasiswa Indonesia Sudah Bikin Terlebih Dahulu
Sumber Kabar IT
Sony siap mengeluarkan produknya yang akan menyaingi Microsoft Surface. Adalah atracTable, sebuah perangkat komputer yang dapat menghilangkan ketergantungan manusia terhadap mouse dan keyboard. Pengguna akan secara langsung berinteraksi dengan komputer dengan cara menyentuh layar.
Dilansir KabarIT dari Electronista, sebuah proto type atracTable yang sudah ada memiliki ukuran 35 inchi dengan fitur layar full HD dengan kontras tinggi. Alat ini dapat mendeteksi pergerakan lengan, jari dan pergerakan tubuh. Terdapat juga fitur yang dapat mendeteksi manusia berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, emosi seperti marah, sedih dan gembira.
Alat ini dapat digunakan sebagai media interaksi di tempat-tempat umum dan pertokoan. Alat ini juga dapat berinteraksi dengan perangkat yang diletakkan di atasnya.
Sony didukung perusahaan Atracsys dari Swiss. Alat ini menggunakan dua buah kamera Sony ISS XCD-V60 yang digunakan untuk menangkap gerakan yang dilakukan user. Kamera ini juga sebagai pengganti kontrol mouse dan keyboard. Belum diketahui apakah atracTable dapat melakukan multi touch, tapi secara teori seharusnya bisa.
Mahasiswa Indonesia
Sebenaranya alat ini bukan sebuah teknologi yang baru. Alat ini ternyata juga sudah lama ada di Indonesia, dibuat oleh team dari STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta . Interactive Tabel ini pernah mendapatkan juara pertama pada Indonesian ICT Award 2009. Sang innovator bernama Hendro Wibowo mahasiswa STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Alat yang dibuat Hendro Wibowo ini diberi nama Tiwule (Touch It With Ultimate Learning Experience).
Tiwule v.1, Hendro Wibowo Bersama M. Nuh (Menkominfo saat itu)
Secara teknik dan teknologi dan prinsip pembuatanya, Tiwule hampir sama dengan atracTable. Menggunakan kamera sebagai sensor penangkap gerakan dan proyektor sebagai interfacenya. Tiwule bahkan sudah dapat melakukan multi touch, sehingga dapat “dimainkan” lebih dari satu orang.
Pada versi pertamanya, Tiwule bahkan hanya menggunakan layar LCD biasa sebagai interfacenya dan menggunakan kamera webcam sebagai sensor pendeteksi gerakan. Pada versi pertama biaya pembuatan bahkan tidak lebih dari 3 juta rupiah.
Sumber Kabar IT
Sony siap mengeluarkan produknya yang akan menyaingi Microsoft Surface. Adalah atracTable, sebuah perangkat komputer yang dapat menghilangkan ketergantungan manusia terhadap mouse dan keyboard. Pengguna akan secara langsung berinteraksi dengan komputer dengan cara menyentuh layar.
Dilansir KabarIT dari Electronista, sebuah proto type atracTable yang sudah ada memiliki ukuran 35 inchi dengan fitur layar full HD dengan kontras tinggi. Alat ini dapat mendeteksi pergerakan lengan, jari dan pergerakan tubuh. Terdapat juga fitur yang dapat mendeteksi manusia berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, emosi seperti marah, sedih dan gembira.
Alat ini dapat digunakan sebagai media interaksi di tempat-tempat umum dan pertokoan. Alat ini juga dapat berinteraksi dengan perangkat yang diletakkan di atasnya.
Sony didukung perusahaan Atracsys dari Swiss. Alat ini menggunakan dua buah kamera Sony ISS XCD-V60 yang digunakan untuk menangkap gerakan yang dilakukan user. Kamera ini juga sebagai pengganti kontrol mouse dan keyboard. Belum diketahui apakah atracTable dapat melakukan multi touch, tapi secara teori seharusnya bisa.
Mahasiswa Indonesia
Sebenaranya alat ini bukan sebuah teknologi yang baru. Alat ini ternyata juga sudah lama ada di Indonesia, dibuat oleh team dari STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta . Interactive Tabel ini pernah mendapatkan juara pertama pada Indonesian ICT Award 2009. Sang innovator bernama Hendro Wibowo mahasiswa STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Alat yang dibuat Hendro Wibowo ini diberi nama Tiwule (Touch It With Ultimate Learning Experience).
Tiwule v.1, Hendro Wibowo Bersama M. Nuh (Menkominfo saat itu)
Secara teknik dan teknologi dan prinsip pembuatanya, Tiwule hampir sama dengan atracTable. Menggunakan kamera sebagai sensor penangkap gerakan dan proyektor sebagai interfacenya. Tiwule bahkan sudah dapat melakukan multi touch, sehingga dapat “dimainkan” lebih dari satu orang.
Pada versi pertamanya, Tiwule bahkan hanya menggunakan layar LCD biasa sebagai interfacenya dan menggunakan kamera webcam sebagai sensor pendeteksi gerakan. Pada versi pertama biaya pembuatan bahkan tidak lebih dari 3 juta rupiah.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Wow! Piton Mati Diangkat Pake Ekskavator
JAKARTA, Kompas.com - Foto seekor ular jenis Piton (Phyton reticulatus) dalam kondisi mati dan diangkat menggunakan ekskavator, membuat heboh pengguna Facebook dan menjadi pembicaraan di milis-milis pekerja di Kalimantan Timur. Hanya saja, belum bisa dipastikan kebenaran kabar ini.
Menurut pengakuan seorang yang mem-posting foto ular raksasa ini di Facebook, foto ini dia dapatkan dari seorang rekannya yang bekerja di perusahaan kontraktor tambang.
"Lokasinya di Tanah Hulu, dekat Kotabangun, Kutai Kartanegara. Foto ini sudah menyebar di milis karyawan perusahaan penyewaan alat berat itu. Saya hanya diberitahu seperti itu. Soal benar atau tidaknya, saya juga tak bisa memastikan," ujar Mardiono, warga Balikpapan yang mem-posting foto ular piton raksasa ini.
Hutan pedalaman Kalimantan ditengarai masih dihuni ular raksasa yang panjang panjangnya bisa mencapai belasan meter. Phyton hidupnya tersebar dari Afrika sampai ke Asia Tenggara. Dari semua jenis piton, yang terpanjang adalah Phyton reticulatus yang ditemukan di semenanjung Asia tenggara sampai ke Sulawesi.
Ular jenis reticulatus ini dikenal sebagai sanca kembang, sanca batik, atau ular sawah. Panjangnya bisa mencapai belasan meter. Phyton burma dan Phyton bola (Ball Phyton) ukurannya tidak sepanjang reticulatus yang banyak terdapat di hutan alam Indonesia. (*)
Menurut pengakuan seorang yang mem-posting foto ular raksasa ini di Facebook, foto ini dia dapatkan dari seorang rekannya yang bekerja di perusahaan kontraktor tambang.
"Lokasinya di Tanah Hulu, dekat Kotabangun, Kutai Kartanegara. Foto ini sudah menyebar di milis karyawan perusahaan penyewaan alat berat itu. Saya hanya diberitahu seperti itu. Soal benar atau tidaknya, saya juga tak bisa memastikan," ujar Mardiono, warga Balikpapan yang mem-posting foto ular piton raksasa ini.
Hutan pedalaman Kalimantan ditengarai masih dihuni ular raksasa yang panjang panjangnya bisa mencapai belasan meter. Phyton hidupnya tersebar dari Afrika sampai ke Asia Tenggara. Dari semua jenis piton, yang terpanjang adalah Phyton reticulatus yang ditemukan di semenanjung Asia tenggara sampai ke Sulawesi.
Ular jenis reticulatus ini dikenal sebagai sanca kembang, sanca batik, atau ular sawah. Panjangnya bisa mencapai belasan meter. Phyton burma dan Phyton bola (Ball Phyton) ukurannya tidak sepanjang reticulatus yang banyak terdapat di hutan alam Indonesia. (*)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Application of the concept and Redox Electrolytes in dirty water treatment
The concept of redox electrolyte and contained in everyday life and industry. Combustion reaction and metal perkaratan merupakn example redox reactions that occur in our daily lives. In our bodies contained various kinds of electrolytes, in which redox reactions take place therein, namely in the metabolism and conductivity signals by nerve cells. Aki and various types of batteries using redox reactions as a source of electricity. The battery consists of an oxidizing and a reducing agent and an electrolyte. Aki, for example consist of metal lead (Pb) as the anode, the oxidation of lead (Pbo2) as cathode, and sulfuric acid as the electrolyte. Dissociation reaction by microorganisms is also a redox reaction. Well, on this occasion we discuss the use of the concept of redox and electrolytes in wastewater treatment is activated sludge method.
Have you ever watched the river water in the village or in the forest? Generally there river water can be used for domestic purposes - such a day to wash, to bathe, even for drinking water. Not so with urban or regional area industri.Air river was often dirty and smells. It happened karenabanyaknya garbage or waste discharged into waterways and eventually into the rivers. In developed countries, water must be treated before it flowed into the river, so the river stays clean and can be used for recreation.
One kind of dirty waste water is organic waste, ie waste which is the remains of living beings. Such waste can come from household and industry. Organic waste can be processed by utilizing the degrading action of bacteria, called aerobic bacteria. Dirty water (Sewage) contain various kinds of wastes, such as organic materials, sludge, oil, oil, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, salts, pesticides, detergents, heavy metals, and a variety of plastic waste. Therefore, the dirty water must be processed to reduce as much as possible these wastes.
Various parameters used to describe the state of waste water. For example, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids content, similarity (pH),
the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO = Dissolved oxygen), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD = biochemical oxygen demand).
Do is a measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen can be started from the air or the water plant photosynthesis hasi. This dissolved oxygen needed by animals - animals water for breathing. Animals - animals could survive if water dissolved oxygen (DO) not less than 5 ppm. Dissolved oxygen is also used by aerobic bacteria in deciphering organic waste (oxygen-demanding materialist) contained in the water. Many of oxygen required by aerobic bacteria to decompose waste water in a hypothetical organi-called BOD. The more organic waste in water, the greater the BOD value. In contrast, dissolved oxygen (DO) will be smaller.
Wastewater treatment can be divided into three stages, namely primary stage, secondary stage, and tertiary stages. Treatment of primary stage intended to separate the garbage that is not soluble in water so as not to experience deposition (sedimentation). Secondary stage is intended to remove BOD, by the way mengoksidasinya. Furthermore, the tertiary stage is intended to eliminate the waste that still exist, such as toxic organic waste, heavy metals, and bacteria. Tertiary stage processing performed for the water treatment industry. In the next section will discuss one way of processing waste water in the secondary phase, namely how to activated sludge (actived sluge prosess).
Activated sludge is a mud-rich with aerobic bacteria, the bacteria which can outline of organic waste biodegradation by experiencing (oxygen-demanding materials).
Of aerobic bacteria convert organic waste into biomass in water of CO2 gas, while organic nitrogen is converted into ammonium and nitrate, organic phosphorus is converted into phosphate.
Biomass degradation products remain in the aeration tank to the bacteria through a period of rapid growth (long phase). After that will experience the flocculation forming an easier mengendap.Dari solids settling tank, some mud thrown, others circulated into the aeration tank. Combination of bacteria in high concentrations and hunger (in the mud which is circulated) by the amount of nutrients that many (in dirty water), allowing the decomposition to take place quickly. Decomposition by activated sludge method requires only a few hours, far faster than lenih similar decomposition occurs naturally in a ditch or river water.
Have you ever watched the river water in the village or in the forest? Generally there river water can be used for domestic purposes - such a day to wash, to bathe, even for drinking water. Not so with urban or regional area industri.Air river was often dirty and smells. It happened karenabanyaknya garbage or waste discharged into waterways and eventually into the rivers. In developed countries, water must be treated before it flowed into the river, so the river stays clean and can be used for recreation.
One kind of dirty waste water is organic waste, ie waste which is the remains of living beings. Such waste can come from household and industry. Organic waste can be processed by utilizing the degrading action of bacteria, called aerobic bacteria. Dirty water (Sewage) contain various kinds of wastes, such as organic materials, sludge, oil, oil, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, salts, pesticides, detergents, heavy metals, and a variety of plastic waste. Therefore, the dirty water must be processed to reduce as much as possible these wastes.
Various parameters used to describe the state of waste water. For example, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids content, similarity (pH),
the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO = Dissolved oxygen), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD = biochemical oxygen demand).
Do is a measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen can be started from the air or the water plant photosynthesis hasi. This dissolved oxygen needed by animals - animals water for breathing. Animals - animals could survive if water dissolved oxygen (DO) not less than 5 ppm. Dissolved oxygen is also used by aerobic bacteria in deciphering organic waste (oxygen-demanding materialist) contained in the water. Many of oxygen required by aerobic bacteria to decompose waste water in a hypothetical organi-called BOD. The more organic waste in water, the greater the BOD value. In contrast, dissolved oxygen (DO) will be smaller.
Wastewater treatment can be divided into three stages, namely primary stage, secondary stage, and tertiary stages. Treatment of primary stage intended to separate the garbage that is not soluble in water so as not to experience deposition (sedimentation). Secondary stage is intended to remove BOD, by the way mengoksidasinya. Furthermore, the tertiary stage is intended to eliminate the waste that still exist, such as toxic organic waste, heavy metals, and bacteria. Tertiary stage processing performed for the water treatment industry. In the next section will discuss one way of processing waste water in the secondary phase, namely how to activated sludge (actived sluge prosess).
Activated sludge is a mud-rich with aerobic bacteria, the bacteria which can outline of organic waste biodegradation by experiencing (oxygen-demanding materials).
Of aerobic bacteria convert organic waste into biomass in water of CO2 gas, while organic nitrogen is converted into ammonium and nitrate, organic phosphorus is converted into phosphate.
Biomass degradation products remain in the aeration tank to the bacteria through a period of rapid growth (long phase). After that will experience the flocculation forming an easier mengendap.Dari solids settling tank, some mud thrown, others circulated into the aeration tank. Combination of bacteria in high concentrations and hunger (in the mud which is circulated) by the amount of nutrients that many (in dirty water), allowing the decomposition to take place quickly. Decomposition by activated sludge method requires only a few hours, far faster than lenih similar decomposition occurs naturally in a ditch or river water.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Opened by Vancouver Olympic Death
Opened by Vancouver Olympic Death
Vina Ramitha
INILAH.COM, Vancouver - opening of the Winter Olympics (Winter Olympics) in Vancouver, Canada, Saturday (13 / 2) local time tinged tragedies. But competition is still done.
Luge athlete from the late Republic of Georgia, Nodar Kumaritashvili would expect. Adrenaline passion he felt for the first 48.9 seconds planks laid seluncurnya and drove up to 135 kilometers per hour, is the last moments of his life.
On the track worth U.S. $ 100 million that he died after losing control of the sled, Friday (12 / 2) local time. His head hit the metal pole after a track Nodar thrown out.
"I can not speak, can not describe how we all feel," said President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Jacques Rogge, as reported by the Washington Post. The statement reported by Nodar death of an hour after the accident, along with the start of the investigation by the IOC.
The incident occurred several hours before the Winter Olympics officially opened in Vancouver. Delegation of the Republic of Georgia seemed sad, dressed in red and wearing a black scarf to signify mourning for the death of their colleague. More than 60 thousand people who witnessed the opening of this gives them a standing Ovation condolences.
"Bring on the shoulders of Nodar dream of you all. Berkompetisilah with that spirit in your heart all," said Director John Furlong Vancouver Olympics when he opened the Olympics in BC Place stadium. After a moment of silence, flag down the host half-mast.
The opening of the Olympics this time is a bit stiff and uncomfortable because of the death of Nodar. The sports that participate in these Olympics began blaming the organizers that provide limited access for foreign athletes to know the tracks and fields to be contested. Especially in the case of Nodar, a track where he died recently built two years ago.
"It's hard to track, we drove with more speed than usual and no other tracks in the world like it. They did not give us time to practice and get used to it," said U.S. luge athlete, Steven Holcomb, shortly before the team paraded into the country in the stadium.
Holcomb Canada upset because the team was allowed to use the track longer than rivals from overseas. He argues that the injustice caused by Nodar country which is a small country in Europe. "This little mistake into a fruitful big tragedy," he continued.
However, the Olympic flame remains lit, the first in the stadium and one in Coal Harbor is not far from the stadium where the opening ceremony. Carrier fire is legendary Canadian hockey sports, Wayne Gretzky who then lit a fire in a large stove.
Some big names in other sports world who got the honor of being the bearer of fire is a gold medalist from Canada, Rick Hansen. He gave the fire to the player who had won skate Olympics, Catriona LeMay Doan. The fire then forwarded to the NBA players Steve Nash, and finally to the skier Nancy Greene. Only later to Gretzky.
Canada has spent a lot of money to hold this event. A total of U.S. $ 110 million for the programs 'Own the Podium', U.S. $ 552 to build a venue that will be used as race tracks, including the import thousands of cubic yards of snow from the U.S. because the warmest winters in history. Then an additional U.S. $ 1.5 billion allocated for operational costs everyday. [MDR]
Vina Ramitha
INILAH.COM, Vancouver - opening of the Winter Olympics (Winter Olympics) in Vancouver, Canada, Saturday (13 / 2) local time tinged tragedies. But competition is still done.
Luge athlete from the late Republic of Georgia, Nodar Kumaritashvili would expect. Adrenaline passion he felt for the first 48.9 seconds planks laid seluncurnya and drove up to 135 kilometers per hour, is the last moments of his life.
On the track worth U.S. $ 100 million that he died after losing control of the sled, Friday (12 / 2) local time. His head hit the metal pole after a track Nodar thrown out.
"I can not speak, can not describe how we all feel," said President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Jacques Rogge, as reported by the Washington Post. The statement reported by Nodar death of an hour after the accident, along with the start of the investigation by the IOC.
The incident occurred several hours before the Winter Olympics officially opened in Vancouver. Delegation of the Republic of Georgia seemed sad, dressed in red and wearing a black scarf to signify mourning for the death of their colleague. More than 60 thousand people who witnessed the opening of this gives them a standing Ovation condolences.
"Bring on the shoulders of Nodar dream of you all. Berkompetisilah with that spirit in your heart all," said Director John Furlong Vancouver Olympics when he opened the Olympics in BC Place stadium. After a moment of silence, flag down the host half-mast.
The opening of the Olympics this time is a bit stiff and uncomfortable because of the death of Nodar. The sports that participate in these Olympics began blaming the organizers that provide limited access for foreign athletes to know the tracks and fields to be contested. Especially in the case of Nodar, a track where he died recently built two years ago.
"It's hard to track, we drove with more speed than usual and no other tracks in the world like it. They did not give us time to practice and get used to it," said U.S. luge athlete, Steven Holcomb, shortly before the team paraded into the country in the stadium.
Holcomb Canada upset because the team was allowed to use the track longer than rivals from overseas. He argues that the injustice caused by Nodar country which is a small country in Europe. "This little mistake into a fruitful big tragedy," he continued.
However, the Olympic flame remains lit, the first in the stadium and one in Coal Harbor is not far from the stadium where the opening ceremony. Carrier fire is legendary Canadian hockey sports, Wayne Gretzky who then lit a fire in a large stove.
Some big names in other sports world who got the honor of being the bearer of fire is a gold medalist from Canada, Rick Hansen. He gave the fire to the player who had won skate Olympics, Catriona LeMay Doan. The fire then forwarded to the NBA players Steve Nash, and finally to the skier Nancy Greene. Only later to Gretzky.
Canada has spent a lot of money to hold this event. A total of U.S. $ 110 million for the programs 'Own the Podium', U.S. $ 552 to build a venue that will be used as race tracks, including the import thousands of cubic yards of snow from the U.S. because the warmest winters in history. Then an additional U.S. $ 1.5 billion allocated for operational costs everyday. [MDR]
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona, born in 1960, Argentine soccer player, who led Argentina to a World Cup title in 1986. An outstanding midfielder, considered the heir to Brazilian player Pelé as the world's best player, Maradona earned praise and respect from players and fans for his brilliant play-making and goal-scoring abilities. He achieved celebrity status throughout the world and led a highly visible and extravagant life.
He was born Diego Armando Maradona in Lanús, near Buenos Aires. The son of a factory worker, he began playing soccer for Las Cebollitas, a children's team, at the age of nine. At the age of 16 he was the youngest player to join Argentina's national team. Though he was already a star when Argentina hosted the World Cup in 1978, Maradona was not selected for that year's national team and did not participate in his country's victory in the tournament. In 1979, however, he was voted South American player of the year. He led Argentina to its second World Cup title in 1986 and to the finals in 1990. He played for the professional soccer team of Barcelona in Spain from 1982 to 1984 and was then acquired in 1984 by Napoli, an Italian team from the city of Naples. With his help Napoli won the Italian League title for the first time in 1989.
Maradona encountered career problems after he was accused of drug use in 1991. That year he was dropped by the Naples team and barred from international competition for 15 months while facing drug charges in Argentina. In September 1992 he rejoined international soccer when he was signed by Seville, a team from Seville, Spain. Maradona struggled with Seville and was released by the team after one season. Despite having admitted that the training sessions overwhelmed him, he returned to Argentina in 1993 to attempt another professional comeback. During the 1994 World Cup, however, Maradona received a 15-month suspension from international competition for testing positive for banned drugs. He subsequently became coach of the Argentine soccer team Racing Club, but he resigned the post in mid-1995. Later that year, when his playing ban expired, Maradona joined the Boca Juniors team of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(From : Microsoft Encarta 2009)
He was born Diego Armando Maradona in Lanús, near Buenos Aires. The son of a factory worker, he began playing soccer for Las Cebollitas, a children's team, at the age of nine. At the age of 16 he was the youngest player to join Argentina's national team. Though he was already a star when Argentina hosted the World Cup in 1978, Maradona was not selected for that year's national team and did not participate in his country's victory in the tournament. In 1979, however, he was voted South American player of the year. He led Argentina to its second World Cup title in 1986 and to the finals in 1990. He played for the professional soccer team of Barcelona in Spain from 1982 to 1984 and was then acquired in 1984 by Napoli, an Italian team from the city of Naples. With his help Napoli won the Italian League title for the first time in 1989.
Maradona encountered career problems after he was accused of drug use in 1991. That year he was dropped by the Naples team and barred from international competition for 15 months while facing drug charges in Argentina. In September 1992 he rejoined international soccer when he was signed by Seville, a team from Seville, Spain. Maradona struggled with Seville and was released by the team after one season. Despite having admitted that the training sessions overwhelmed him, he returned to Argentina in 1993 to attempt another professional comeback. During the 1994 World Cup, however, Maradona received a 15-month suspension from international competition for testing positive for banned drugs. He subsequently became coach of the Argentine soccer team Racing Club, but he resigned the post in mid-1995. Later that year, when his playing ban expired, Maradona joined the Boca Juniors team of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(From : Microsoft Encarta 2009)
Ecology, the study of the relationship of plants and animals to their physical and biological environment. The physical environment includes light and heat or solar radiation, moisture, wind, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in soil, water, and atmosphere. The biological environment includes organisms of the same kind as well as other plants and animals.
Because of the diverse approaches required to study organisms in their environment, ecology draws upon such fields as climatology, hydrology, oceanography, physics, chemistry, geology, and soil analysis. To study the relationships between organisms, ecology also involves such disparate sciences as animal behavior, taxonomy, physiology, and mathematics.
An increased public awareness of environmental problems has made ecology a common but often misused word. It is confused with environmental programs and environmental science (see Environment). Although the field is a distinct scientific discipline, ecology does indeed contribute to the study and understanding of environmental problems.
The term ecology was introduced by the German biologist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel in 1866; it is derived from the Greek oikos (“household”), sharing the same root word as economics. Thus, the term implies the study of the economy of nature. Modern ecology, in part, began with Charles Darwin. In developing his theory of evolution, Darwin stressed the adaptation of organisms to their environment through natural selection. Also making important contributions were plant geographers, such as Alexander von Humboldt, who were deeply interested in the “how” and “why” of vegetational distribution around the world.
Natural Selection, in evolution, the process by which environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success among individuals of a population of organisms with different hereditary characters, or traits. The characters that inhibit reproductive success decrease in frequency from generation to generation. The resulting increase in the proportion of reproductively successful individuals usually enhances the adaptation of the population to its environment. Natural selection thus tends to promote adaptation by maintaining favorable adaptations in a constant environment (stabilizing selection) or improving adaptation in a direction appropriate to environmental changes (directional selection). Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace first proposed this concept in 1858.
Evolution, in biology, complex process by which the characteristics of living organisms change over many generations as traits are passed from one generation to the next. The science of evolution seeks to understand the biological forces that caused ancient organisms to develop into the tremendous and ever-changing variety of life seen on Earth today. It addresses how, over the course of time, various plant and animal species branch off to become entirely new species, and how different species are related through complicated family trees that span millions of years.
(from : Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009)
Because of the diverse approaches required to study organisms in their environment, ecology draws upon such fields as climatology, hydrology, oceanography, physics, chemistry, geology, and soil analysis. To study the relationships between organisms, ecology also involves such disparate sciences as animal behavior, taxonomy, physiology, and mathematics.
An increased public awareness of environmental problems has made ecology a common but often misused word. It is confused with environmental programs and environmental science (see Environment). Although the field is a distinct scientific discipline, ecology does indeed contribute to the study and understanding of environmental problems.
The term ecology was introduced by the German biologist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel in 1866; it is derived from the Greek oikos (“household”), sharing the same root word as economics. Thus, the term implies the study of the economy of nature. Modern ecology, in part, began with Charles Darwin. In developing his theory of evolution, Darwin stressed the adaptation of organisms to their environment through natural selection. Also making important contributions were plant geographers, such as Alexander von Humboldt, who were deeply interested in the “how” and “why” of vegetational distribution around the world.
Natural Selection, in evolution, the process by which environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success among individuals of a population of organisms with different hereditary characters, or traits. The characters that inhibit reproductive success decrease in frequency from generation to generation. The resulting increase in the proportion of reproductively successful individuals usually enhances the adaptation of the population to its environment. Natural selection thus tends to promote adaptation by maintaining favorable adaptations in a constant environment (stabilizing selection) or improving adaptation in a direction appropriate to environmental changes (directional selection). Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace first proposed this concept in 1858.
Evolution, in biology, complex process by which the characteristics of living organisms change over many generations as traits are passed from one generation to the next. The science of evolution seeks to understand the biological forces that caused ancient organisms to develop into the tremendous and ever-changing variety of life seen on Earth today. It addresses how, over the course of time, various plant and animal species branch off to become entirely new species, and how different species are related through complicated family trees that span millions of years.
(from : Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009)
Definitif Article
ar·ti·cle [rtik'l]
noun (plural ar·ti·cles)
1. newspaper or reference piece: a piece of nonfiction writing in a newspaper, magazine, or reference book
an article on ecology
2. item: an object or item, especially one that is part of a group
articles of clothing
3. grammar word before noun: a word used with a noun that specifies whether the noun is definite or indefinite.
In English the indefinite articles are "a" and "an," and the definite article is "the."
4. online newsgroup message: a message or posting to a newsgroup
piece of writing
piece of writing, editorial, piece, item, commentary, critique, exposé
object, item, piece, thing, artifact
clause, term, stipulation, condition, regulation, paragraph, section
News, the reporting of current information on television and radio, and in newspapers and magazines.
For information on:
• history of news reporting, see Journalism; Boston News-Letter; Consumers Union of the United States, Inc.; Press Associations and Press Agencies; Baron Paul Julius von Reuter
• television news reporters, Ed Bradley; David Brinkley; Tom Brokaw; John Chancellor; Walter Cronkite; Sam Donaldson; Peter Jennings; Ted Koppel; Joan Lunden; Bill Moyers; Edward R. Murrow; Jane Pauley; Dan Rather; Diane Sawyer; Barbara Walters
• television news stations, see CNN
• radio news reporters, see Edward R. Murrow
• newspapers, reporters, and columnists, see Newspapers; Joseph Pulitzer; William Randolph Hearst; Rupert Murdoch; Henri Bourassa; Heywood Campbell Broun; Walter Lippmann; Susan Faludi; Ernie Pyle
• periodicals, writers, and editors, see Periodicals; William F. Buckley, Jr.; Clarence Barron; Henry R. Luce; Gloria Steinem
• impact of modern communications, see Embargo
• deities of news, see Hermes; Mercury (mythology)
• suppression of news, see Censorship
Journalism, gathering, evaluating, and distributing facts of current interest. In journalism, reporters research and write stories for print and electronic distribution, often with the guidance of editors or producers. The earliest journalists produced their stories for news sheets, circulars, newspapers, and periodicals. With technological advances, journalism came to include other media, such as radio, documentary or newsreel films, television, and the Internet.
( from : Microsoft Encarta 2009)
ar·ti·cle [rtik'l]
noun (plural ar·ti·cles)
1. newspaper or reference piece: a piece of nonfiction writing in a newspaper, magazine, or reference book
an article on ecology
2. item: an object or item, especially one that is part of a group
articles of clothing
3. grammar word before noun: a word used with a noun that specifies whether the noun is definite or indefinite.
In English the indefinite articles are "a" and "an," and the definite article is "the."
4. online newsgroup message: a message or posting to a newsgroup
piece of writing
piece of writing, editorial, piece, item, commentary, critique, exposé
object, item, piece, thing, artifact
clause, term, stipulation, condition, regulation, paragraph, section
News, the reporting of current information on television and radio, and in newspapers and magazines.
For information on:
• history of news reporting, see Journalism; Boston News-Letter; Consumers Union of the United States, Inc.; Press Associations and Press Agencies; Baron Paul Julius von Reuter
• television news reporters, Ed Bradley; David Brinkley; Tom Brokaw; John Chancellor; Walter Cronkite; Sam Donaldson; Peter Jennings; Ted Koppel; Joan Lunden; Bill Moyers; Edward R. Murrow; Jane Pauley; Dan Rather; Diane Sawyer; Barbara Walters
• television news stations, see CNN
• radio news reporters, see Edward R. Murrow
• newspapers, reporters, and columnists, see Newspapers; Joseph Pulitzer; William Randolph Hearst; Rupert Murdoch; Henri Bourassa; Heywood Campbell Broun; Walter Lippmann; Susan Faludi; Ernie Pyle
• periodicals, writers, and editors, see Periodicals; William F. Buckley, Jr.; Clarence Barron; Henry R. Luce; Gloria Steinem
• impact of modern communications, see Embargo
• deities of news, see Hermes; Mercury (mythology)
• suppression of news, see Censorship
Journalism, gathering, evaluating, and distributing facts of current interest. In journalism, reporters research and write stories for print and electronic distribution, often with the guidance of editors or producers. The earliest journalists produced their stories for news sheets, circulars, newspapers, and periodicals. With technological advances, journalism came to include other media, such as radio, documentary or newsreel films, television, and the Internet.
( from : Microsoft Encarta 2009)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Intelligence, term usually referring to a general mental capability to reason, solve problems, think abstractly, learn and understand new material, and profit from past experience. Intelligence can be measured by many different kinds of tasks. Likewise, this ability is expressed in many aspects of a person’s life. Intelligence draws on a variety of mental processes, including memory, learning, perception, decision-making, thinking, and reasoning.
Most people have an intuitive notion of what intelligence is, and many words in the English language distinguish between different levels of intellectual skill: bright, dull, smart, stupid, clever, slow, and so on. Yet no universally accepted definition of intelligence exists, and people continue to debate what, exactly, it is. Fundamental questions remain: Is intelligence one general ability or several independent systems of abilities? Is intelligence a property of the brain, a characteristic of behavior, or a set of knowledge and skills?
The simplest definition proposed is that intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure. But this definition does not characterize the ability well, and it has several problems. First, it is circular: The tests are assumed to verify the existence of intelligence, which in turn is measurable by the tests. Second, many different intelligence tests exist, and they do not all measure the same thing. In fact, the makers of the first intelligence tests did not begin with a precise idea of what they wanted to measure. Finally, the definition says very little about the specific nature of intelligence.
Whenever scientists are asked to define intelligence in terms of what causes it or what it actually is, almost every scientist comes up with a different definition. For example, in 1921 an academic journal asked 14 prominent psychologists and educators to define intelligence. The journal received 14 different definitions, although many experts emphasized the ability to learn from experience and the ability to adapt to one’s environment. In 1986 researchers repeated the experiment by asking 25 experts for their definition of intelligence. The researchers received many different definitions: general adaptability to new problems in life; ability to engage in abstract thinking; adjustment to the environment; capacity for knowledge and knowledge possessed; general capacity for independence, originality, and productiveness in thinking; capacity to acquire capacity; apprehension of relevant relationships; ability to judge, to understand, and to reason; deduction of relationships; and innate, general cognitive ability.
People in the general population have somewhat different conceptions of intelligence than do most experts. Laypersons and the popular press tend to emphasize cleverness, common sense, practical problem solving ability, verbal ability, and interest in learning. In addition, many people think social competence is an important component of intelligence.
Most intelligence researchers define intelligence as what is measured by intelligence tests, but some scholars argue that this definition is inadequate and that intelligence is whatever abilities are valued by one’s culture. According to this perspective, conceptions of intelligence vary from culture to culture. For example, North Americans often associate verbal and mathematical skills with intelligence, but some seafaring cultures in the islands of the South Pacific view spatial memory and navigational skills as markers of intelligence. Those who believe intelligence is culturally relative dispute the idea that any one test could fairly measure intelligence across different cultures. Others, however, view intelligence as a basic cognitive ability independent of culture.
In recent years, a number of theorists have argued that standard intelligence tests measure only a portion of the human abilities that could be considered aspects of intelligence. Other scholars believe that such tests accurately measure intelligence and that the lack of agreement on a definition of intelligence does not invalidate its measurement. In their view, intelligence is much like many scientific concepts that are accurately measured well before scientists understand what the measurement actually means. Gravity, temperature, and radiation are all examples of concepts that were measured before they were understood.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Most people have an intuitive notion of what intelligence is, and many words in the English language distinguish between different levels of intellectual skill: bright, dull, smart, stupid, clever, slow, and so on. Yet no universally accepted definition of intelligence exists, and people continue to debate what, exactly, it is. Fundamental questions remain: Is intelligence one general ability or several independent systems of abilities? Is intelligence a property of the brain, a characteristic of behavior, or a set of knowledge and skills?
The simplest definition proposed is that intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure. But this definition does not characterize the ability well, and it has several problems. First, it is circular: The tests are assumed to verify the existence of intelligence, which in turn is measurable by the tests. Second, many different intelligence tests exist, and they do not all measure the same thing. In fact, the makers of the first intelligence tests did not begin with a precise idea of what they wanted to measure. Finally, the definition says very little about the specific nature of intelligence.
Whenever scientists are asked to define intelligence in terms of what causes it or what it actually is, almost every scientist comes up with a different definition. For example, in 1921 an academic journal asked 14 prominent psychologists and educators to define intelligence. The journal received 14 different definitions, although many experts emphasized the ability to learn from experience and the ability to adapt to one’s environment. In 1986 researchers repeated the experiment by asking 25 experts for their definition of intelligence. The researchers received many different definitions: general adaptability to new problems in life; ability to engage in abstract thinking; adjustment to the environment; capacity for knowledge and knowledge possessed; general capacity for independence, originality, and productiveness in thinking; capacity to acquire capacity; apprehension of relevant relationships; ability to judge, to understand, and to reason; deduction of relationships; and innate, general cognitive ability.
People in the general population have somewhat different conceptions of intelligence than do most experts. Laypersons and the popular press tend to emphasize cleverness, common sense, practical problem solving ability, verbal ability, and interest in learning. In addition, many people think social competence is an important component of intelligence.
Most intelligence researchers define intelligence as what is measured by intelligence tests, but some scholars argue that this definition is inadequate and that intelligence is whatever abilities are valued by one’s culture. According to this perspective, conceptions of intelligence vary from culture to culture. For example, North Americans often associate verbal and mathematical skills with intelligence, but some seafaring cultures in the islands of the South Pacific view spatial memory and navigational skills as markers of intelligence. Those who believe intelligence is culturally relative dispute the idea that any one test could fairly measure intelligence across different cultures. Others, however, view intelligence as a basic cognitive ability independent of culture.
In recent years, a number of theorists have argued that standard intelligence tests measure only a portion of the human abilities that could be considered aspects of intelligence. Other scholars believe that such tests accurately measure intelligence and that the lack of agreement on a definition of intelligence does not invalidate its measurement. In their view, intelligence is much like many scientific concepts that are accurately measured well before scientists understand what the measurement actually means. Gravity, temperature, and radiation are all examples of concepts that were measured before they were understood.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Monday, February 22, 2010
“The Constant Tin Soldier”(Part 2) By Hans Christian Andersen
Only think—just where the tunnel ended, the drain ran into a great canal; and for him that would have been as dangerous as for us to be carried down a great waterfall.
Now he was already so near it that he could not stop. The boat was carried out, the poor Tin Soldier stiffening himself as much as he could, and no one could say that he moved an eyelid. The boat whirled round three or four times, and was full of water to the very edge—it must sink. The Tin Soldier stood up to his neck in water, and the boat sank deeper and deeper, and the paper was loosened more and more; and now the water closed over the Soldier's head. Then he thought of the pretty little Dancer, and how he should never see her again; and it sounded in the Soldier's ears:— 'Farewell, farewell, thou warrior brave,
Die shalt thou this day.'
And now the paper parted, and the Tin Soldier fell out; but at that moment he was snapped up by a great fish.
O, how dark it was in that fish's body! It was darker yet than in the drain tunnel; and then it was very narrow, too. But the Tin Soldier remained unmoved, and lay at full length, shouldering his musket.
The fish swam to and fro; he made the most wonderful movements, and then became quite still. At last something flashed through him like lightning. The daylight shone quite clear, and a voice said aloud, 'The Tin Soldier!' The fish had been caught, carried to market, bought, and taken into the kitchen, where the cook cut him open with a large knife. She seized the Soldier round the body with both her hands, and carried him into the room, where all were anxious to see the remarkable man who had travelled about in the inside of a fish; but the Tin Soldier was not at all proud. They placed him on the table, and there—no! What curious things may happen in the world! The Tin Soldier was in the very room in which he had been before! he saw the same children, and the same toys stood upon the table; and there was the pretty castle with the graceful little Dancer. She was still balancing herself on one leg, and held the other extended in the air. She was faithful too. That moved the Tin Soldier: he was very near weeping tin tears, but that would not have been proper. He looked at her, but they said nothing to each other.
Then one of the little boys took the Tin Soldier and flung him into the stove. He gave no reason for doing this. It must have been the fault of the Goblin in the snuff-box.
The Tin Soldier stood there quite illuminated, and felt a heat that was terrible; but whether this heat proceeded from the real fire or from love he did not know. The colors had quite gone off from him; but whether that had happened on the journey, or had been caused by grief, no one could say. He looked at the little Lady, she looked at him, and he felt that he was melting; but he stood firm, shouldering his musket. Then suddenly the door flew open, and the draught of air caught the Dancer, and she flew like a sylph just into the stove to the Tin Soldier, and flashed up in a flame, and then was gone! Then the Tin soldier melted down into a lump, and when the servant-maid took the ashes out next day, she found him in the shape of a little tin heart. But of the Dancer nothing remained but the tinsel rose, and that was burned as black as a coal.
Now he was already so near it that he could not stop. The boat was carried out, the poor Tin Soldier stiffening himself as much as he could, and no one could say that he moved an eyelid. The boat whirled round three or four times, and was full of water to the very edge—it must sink. The Tin Soldier stood up to his neck in water, and the boat sank deeper and deeper, and the paper was loosened more and more; and now the water closed over the Soldier's head. Then he thought of the pretty little Dancer, and how he should never see her again; and it sounded in the Soldier's ears:— 'Farewell, farewell, thou warrior brave,
Die shalt thou this day.'
And now the paper parted, and the Tin Soldier fell out; but at that moment he was snapped up by a great fish.
O, how dark it was in that fish's body! It was darker yet than in the drain tunnel; and then it was very narrow, too. But the Tin Soldier remained unmoved, and lay at full length, shouldering his musket.
The fish swam to and fro; he made the most wonderful movements, and then became quite still. At last something flashed through him like lightning. The daylight shone quite clear, and a voice said aloud, 'The Tin Soldier!' The fish had been caught, carried to market, bought, and taken into the kitchen, where the cook cut him open with a large knife. She seized the Soldier round the body with both her hands, and carried him into the room, where all were anxious to see the remarkable man who had travelled about in the inside of a fish; but the Tin Soldier was not at all proud. They placed him on the table, and there—no! What curious things may happen in the world! The Tin Soldier was in the very room in which he had been before! he saw the same children, and the same toys stood upon the table; and there was the pretty castle with the graceful little Dancer. She was still balancing herself on one leg, and held the other extended in the air. She was faithful too. That moved the Tin Soldier: he was very near weeping tin tears, but that would not have been proper. He looked at her, but they said nothing to each other.
Then one of the little boys took the Tin Soldier and flung him into the stove. He gave no reason for doing this. It must have been the fault of the Goblin in the snuff-box.
The Tin Soldier stood there quite illuminated, and felt a heat that was terrible; but whether this heat proceeded from the real fire or from love he did not know. The colors had quite gone off from him; but whether that had happened on the journey, or had been caused by grief, no one could say. He looked at the little Lady, she looked at him, and he felt that he was melting; but he stood firm, shouldering his musket. Then suddenly the door flew open, and the draught of air caught the Dancer, and she flew like a sylph just into the stove to the Tin Soldier, and flashed up in a flame, and then was gone! Then the Tin soldier melted down into a lump, and when the servant-maid took the ashes out next day, she found him in the shape of a little tin heart. But of the Dancer nothing remained but the tinsel rose, and that was burned as black as a coal.
“The Constant Tin Soldier”(Part 1)
By Hans Christian Andersen
There were once five-and-twenty tin soldiers; they were all brothers, for they had all been born of one old tin spoon. They shouldered their muskets and looked straight before them; their uniform was red and blue, and very splendid. The first thing they had heard in the world, when the lid was taken off their box, had been the words 'Tin soldiers!' These words were uttered by a little boy, clapping his hands; the soldiers had been given to him, for it was his birthday; and now he put them upon the table. Each soldier was exactly like the rest; but one of them had been cast last of all, and there had not been enough tin to finish him; but he stood as firmly upon one leg as the others on their two; and it was just this soldier who became remarkable.
On the table on which they had been placed stood many other playthings, but the toy that attracted most attention was a neat castle of card-board. Through the little windows one could see straight into the hall. Before the castle some little trees were placed round a little looking-glass, which was to represent a clear lake. Waxen swans swam on this lake, and were mirrored in it. This was all very pretty; but the prettiest of all was a little lady, who stood at the open door of the castle; she was also cut out in paper, but she had a dress of the clearest gauze, and a little narrow blue ribbon over her shoulders, that looked like a scarf; and in the middle of this ribbon was a shining tinsel rose, as big as her whole face. The little Lady stretched out both her arms, for she was a dancer, and then she lifted one leg so high that the Tin Soldier could not see it at all, and thought that, like himself, she had but one leg.
'That would be the wife for me,' thought he; 'but she is very grand. She lives in a castle, and I have only a box, and there are five-and-twenty of us in that. It is no place for her. But I must try to make acquaintance with her.'
And then he lay down at full length behind a snuff-box which was on the table; there he could easily watch the little dainty lady, who continued to stand on one leg without losing her balance.
When the evening came, all the other tin soldiers were put into their box, and the people in the house went to bed. Now the toys began to play at 'visiting,' and at 'war,' and 'giving balls.' The tin soldiers rattled in their box, for they wanted to join, but could not lift the lid. The Nut-cracker threw somersaults, and the Pencil amused itself on the table; there was so much noise that the Canary woke up, and began to speak too, and even in verse. The only two who did not stir from their places were the Tin Soldier and the Dancing Lady; she stood straight up on the point of one of her toes, and stretched out both her arms: and he was just as enduring on his one leg; and he never turned his eyes away from her.
Now the clock struck twelve—and, bounce!—the lid flew off the snuff-box; but there was not snuff in it, but a little black goblin; you see, it was a trick.
'Tin Soldier,' said the Goblin, 'don't stare at things that don't concern you.'
But the Tin Soldier pretended not to hear him.
'Just you wait till to-morrow!' said the Goblin.
But when the morning came, and the children got up, the Tin Soldier was placed in the window; and whether it was the Goblin or the draught that did it, all at once the window flew open, and the Soldier fell, head over heels, out of the third story.
That was a terrible passage! He put his leg straight up, and struck with his helmet downward, and his bayonet between the paving-stones.
The servant-maid and the little boy came down directly to look for him, but though they almost trod upon him they could not see him. If the soldier had cried out, 'Here I am!' they would have found him; but he did not think it fitting to call out loudly, because he was in uniform.
Now it began to rain; the drops soon fell thicker, and at last it came down in a complete stream. When the rain was past, two street boys came by.
'Just look!' said one of them, 'there lies a tin soldier. He must come out and ride in the boat.'
And they made a boat out of a newspaper, and put the Tin Soldier in the middle of it; and so he sailed down the gutter, and the two boys ran beside him and clapped their hands. Goodness preserve us! how the waves rose in that gutter, and how fast the stream ran! But then it had been a heavy rain. The paper boat rocked up and down, and sometimes turned round so rapidly that the Tin Soldier trembled; but he remained firm, and never changed countenance, and looked straight before him, and shouldered his musket.
All at once the boat went into a long drain, and it became as dark as if he had been in his box.
'Where am I going now?' he thought. 'Yes, yes, that's the Goblin's fault. Ah! if the little Lady only sat here with me in the boat, it might be twice as dark for what I should care.'
Suddenly there came a great water-rat, which lived under the drain.
'Have you a passport?' said the Rat. 'Give me your passport.'
But the Tin Soldier kept silence, and only held his musket tighter than ever.
The boat went on, but the Rat came after it. Hu! how he gnashed his teeth, and called out to the bits of straw and wood,—
'Hold him! hold him! he hasn't paid toll—he hasn't shown his passport!'
But the stream became stronger and stronger. The Tin Soldier could see the bright daylight where the arch ended; but he heard a roaring noise, which might well frighten a bolder man.
There were once five-and-twenty tin soldiers; they were all brothers, for they had all been born of one old tin spoon. They shouldered their muskets and looked straight before them; their uniform was red and blue, and very splendid. The first thing they had heard in the world, when the lid was taken off their box, had been the words 'Tin soldiers!' These words were uttered by a little boy, clapping his hands; the soldiers had been given to him, for it was his birthday; and now he put them upon the table. Each soldier was exactly like the rest; but one of them had been cast last of all, and there had not been enough tin to finish him; but he stood as firmly upon one leg as the others on their two; and it was just this soldier who became remarkable.
On the table on which they had been placed stood many other playthings, but the toy that attracted most attention was a neat castle of card-board. Through the little windows one could see straight into the hall. Before the castle some little trees were placed round a little looking-glass, which was to represent a clear lake. Waxen swans swam on this lake, and were mirrored in it. This was all very pretty; but the prettiest of all was a little lady, who stood at the open door of the castle; she was also cut out in paper, but she had a dress of the clearest gauze, and a little narrow blue ribbon over her shoulders, that looked like a scarf; and in the middle of this ribbon was a shining tinsel rose, as big as her whole face. The little Lady stretched out both her arms, for she was a dancer, and then she lifted one leg so high that the Tin Soldier could not see it at all, and thought that, like himself, she had but one leg.
'That would be the wife for me,' thought he; 'but she is very grand. She lives in a castle, and I have only a box, and there are five-and-twenty of us in that. It is no place for her. But I must try to make acquaintance with her.'
And then he lay down at full length behind a snuff-box which was on the table; there he could easily watch the little dainty lady, who continued to stand on one leg without losing her balance.
When the evening came, all the other tin soldiers were put into their box, and the people in the house went to bed. Now the toys began to play at 'visiting,' and at 'war,' and 'giving balls.' The tin soldiers rattled in their box, for they wanted to join, but could not lift the lid. The Nut-cracker threw somersaults, and the Pencil amused itself on the table; there was so much noise that the Canary woke up, and began to speak too, and even in verse. The only two who did not stir from their places were the Tin Soldier and the Dancing Lady; she stood straight up on the point of one of her toes, and stretched out both her arms: and he was just as enduring on his one leg; and he never turned his eyes away from her.
Now the clock struck twelve—and, bounce!—the lid flew off the snuff-box; but there was not snuff in it, but a little black goblin; you see, it was a trick.
'Tin Soldier,' said the Goblin, 'don't stare at things that don't concern you.'
But the Tin Soldier pretended not to hear him.
'Just you wait till to-morrow!' said the Goblin.
But when the morning came, and the children got up, the Tin Soldier was placed in the window; and whether it was the Goblin or the draught that did it, all at once the window flew open, and the Soldier fell, head over heels, out of the third story.
That was a terrible passage! He put his leg straight up, and struck with his helmet downward, and his bayonet between the paving-stones.
The servant-maid and the little boy came down directly to look for him, but though they almost trod upon him they could not see him. If the soldier had cried out, 'Here I am!' they would have found him; but he did not think it fitting to call out loudly, because he was in uniform.
Now it began to rain; the drops soon fell thicker, and at last it came down in a complete stream. When the rain was past, two street boys came by.
'Just look!' said one of them, 'there lies a tin soldier. He must come out and ride in the boat.'
And they made a boat out of a newspaper, and put the Tin Soldier in the middle of it; and so he sailed down the gutter, and the two boys ran beside him and clapped their hands. Goodness preserve us! how the waves rose in that gutter, and how fast the stream ran! But then it had been a heavy rain. The paper boat rocked up and down, and sometimes turned round so rapidly that the Tin Soldier trembled; but he remained firm, and never changed countenance, and looked straight before him, and shouldered his musket.
All at once the boat went into a long drain, and it became as dark as if he had been in his box.
'Where am I going now?' he thought. 'Yes, yes, that's the Goblin's fault. Ah! if the little Lady only sat here with me in the boat, it might be twice as dark for what I should care.'
Suddenly there came a great water-rat, which lived under the drain.
'Have you a passport?' said the Rat. 'Give me your passport.'
But the Tin Soldier kept silence, and only held his musket tighter than ever.
The boat went on, but the Rat came after it. Hu! how he gnashed his teeth, and called out to the bits of straw and wood,—
'Hold him! hold him! he hasn't paid toll—he hasn't shown his passport!'
But the stream became stronger and stronger. The Tin Soldier could see the bright daylight where the arch ended; but he heard a roaring noise, which might well frighten a bolder man.
Excretion in Human Systems
Expenses Process
Based on the substance discharged, the expenditure in humans can be divided into:
Defecation: expenditure of digestive waste (feces)
Excretion: spending the rest of the results of metabolic substances (CO2, sweat and urine)
Secretion: sap spending is still useful to the body (enzymes and hormones)
Excretion system
Expenditure systems are substances that metabolic waste is not useful to the body from the body, such as:
Exhale CO2 when we breathe
Pee (urine)
Excretion tools
Tools excretion in humans include:
Renal (ren)
Humans have two kidneys located on the front left and right of the spine waist.
Kidney Structure
Leather Kidney (cortex)
In the cortex there are many nephrons, or filtering.
Each nephron consists of bodies and tubular glomerular malpigi.
The glomerulus is a capillary blood vessels woven.
Glomerulus is covered by a Bowman's capsule
Marrow, kidney (medulla)
Marrow, kidney tubules consist of konturtus
Cavity kidney (renal pelvis)
In the empty cavity of the kidney vessels.
From each cavity left ureter.
Ureteric function and pass out urine into the bladder
Kidney Function
Kidneys have a function:
Filtering blood to produce urine
Disposing of substances that harm the body (urea, uric acid)
Discard the substances in the body of excess (blood sugar)
Maintain osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid
Maintaining the balance of acids and bases
Urine Formation
Blood filtration in the glomerulus produces glomerular filtrate (primary urine)
Urine reabsorsi primary konturtus in the proximal tubules to absorb substances that are useful to the body. Produced by tubular filtrate (urine secondary)
Urine secondary augmentation in the distal tubules produce urine konturtus
In normal urine contains water, urea, ammonia, mineral salts, bile pigments, vitamins, drugs and hormones
Liver (liver)
Is the largest gland in the human body (2 kg) which is located in the abdominal cavity below the sabelah right diaphragm
Heart Structure
Heart Function
Liver produces bile (bilus) which contains the rest of the reforms in the spleen eritosit
Liver function:
Store the sugar in the form of glycogen
Regulate blood sugar levels
Place the formation of urea from ammonia
Offering poison
Formed vitamin A from provitamin A
Place the formation of fibrinogen protrombin
Process in the Heart
Red blood cells that are old (histiosita) broken down in the liver.
Skin (Integumentary)
Is the outer layer of the human body and is part of the body's protective
Skin Function
The skin functions as:
Protect the inside of the body of friction, germs, radiation, heat and chemicals
Regulate body temperature
Receive stimulation from the outside
Reduce water loss
Sweat glands absorb water and salt from the blood in the capillaries.
Sweat excreted through the pores (50 mL / hour in normal circumstances)
The lungs (pulmo)
Humans have a pair of lungs which is located in the chest cavity.
The lungs function as respiratory organs of oxygen and remove CO2 + water vapor
Water vapor and CO2 diffuse in the alveoli and then issued
Abnormalities and disease
Signs: urine contains albumin
Causes: lack of protein, kidney and liver disease
As a result: the body of albumin deficiency that prevents the fluid does not come out of the blood
Renal failure
Signs: Increased levels of urea in the blood
Cause: nephritis (kidney inflammation)
Result: substances which should be removed by the kidneys accumulate in the blood
Treatment: regular dialysis or kidney transplantation
Diabetes insipidus
Signs: the increasing number of urine (20 to 30 times as much)
Cause: antidiuretika hormone deficiency (ADH)
Due: often dispose of urine
Treatment: The provision of synthetic ADH
Diabetes mellitus
Tags: blood glucose levels exceed normal
Causes: lack of the hormone insulin
Result: poor healing wounds
Treatment: the children were given regular insulin and diet in adults is routine, exercise and administration of drugs that lower blood glucose levels
Signs: skin color changes and the whites of the eyes become yellow, urine becomes brown like tea
Cause: virus
As a result of: liver liver inflamed and disrupted work
Prevention: keep the environment clean, avoid direct contact or use of goods together with patients with hepatitis, use syringes for single-use.
Cirrhosis Heart
Signs: the emergence of scar tissue and damage cells in the liver
Causes: alcohol, drug toxicity, bacterial infections, complications of liver
As a result of: disturbance of consciousness, coma, death
Treatment: as the cause, recovery of liver function and liver transplant
Signs: the death of soft tissue in the feet or hands to begin with bluish skin and feels cold to the touch, and blackened and stinking
Cause: kejaringan blood disorders such flux. Often occurs in people with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
Result: if not be cured with antibiotics, the infected gangrene must be amputated.
Urinary stone
Signs: difficult to dispose of urine
Cause: The deposition of calcium in the kidney
Treatment: surgery, medicine and laser firing
Expenses Process
Based on the substance discharged, the expenditure in humans can be divided into:
Defecation: expenditure of digestive waste (feces)
Excretion: spending the rest of the results of metabolic substances (CO2, sweat and urine)
Secretion: sap spending is still useful to the body (enzymes and hormones)
Excretion system
Expenditure systems are substances that metabolic waste is not useful to the body from the body, such as:
Exhale CO2 when we breathe
Pee (urine)
Excretion tools
Tools excretion in humans include:
Renal (ren)
Humans have two kidneys located on the front left and right of the spine waist.
Kidney Structure
Leather Kidney (cortex)
In the cortex there are many nephrons, or filtering.
Each nephron consists of bodies and tubular glomerular malpigi.
The glomerulus is a capillary blood vessels woven.
Glomerulus is covered by a Bowman's capsule
Marrow, kidney (medulla)
Marrow, kidney tubules consist of konturtus
Cavity kidney (renal pelvis)
In the empty cavity of the kidney vessels.
From each cavity left ureter.
Ureteric function and pass out urine into the bladder
Kidney Function
Kidneys have a function:
Filtering blood to produce urine
Disposing of substances that harm the body (urea, uric acid)
Discard the substances in the body of excess (blood sugar)
Maintain osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid
Maintaining the balance of acids and bases
Urine Formation
Blood filtration in the glomerulus produces glomerular filtrate (primary urine)
Urine reabsorsi primary konturtus in the proximal tubules to absorb substances that are useful to the body. Produced by tubular filtrate (urine secondary)
Urine secondary augmentation in the distal tubules produce urine konturtus
In normal urine contains water, urea, ammonia, mineral salts, bile pigments, vitamins, drugs and hormones
Liver (liver)
Is the largest gland in the human body (2 kg) which is located in the abdominal cavity below the sabelah right diaphragm
Heart Structure
Heart Function
Liver produces bile (bilus) which contains the rest of the reforms in the spleen eritosit
Liver function:
Store the sugar in the form of glycogen
Regulate blood sugar levels
Place the formation of urea from ammonia
Offering poison
Formed vitamin A from provitamin A
Place the formation of fibrinogen protrombin
Process in the Heart
Red blood cells that are old (histiosita) broken down in the liver.
Skin (Integumentary)
Is the outer layer of the human body and is part of the body's protective
Skin Function
The skin functions as:
Protect the inside of the body of friction, germs, radiation, heat and chemicals
Regulate body temperature
Receive stimulation from the outside
Reduce water loss
Sweat glands absorb water and salt from the blood in the capillaries.
Sweat excreted through the pores (50 mL / hour in normal circumstances)
The lungs (pulmo)
Humans have a pair of lungs which is located in the chest cavity.
The lungs function as respiratory organs of oxygen and remove CO2 + water vapor
Water vapor and CO2 diffuse in the alveoli and then issued
Abnormalities and disease
Signs: urine contains albumin
Causes: lack of protein, kidney and liver disease
As a result: the body of albumin deficiency that prevents the fluid does not come out of the blood
Renal failure
Signs: Increased levels of urea in the blood
Cause: nephritis (kidney inflammation)
Result: substances which should be removed by the kidneys accumulate in the blood
Treatment: regular dialysis or kidney transplantation
Diabetes insipidus
Signs: the increasing number of urine (20 to 30 times as much)
Cause: antidiuretika hormone deficiency (ADH)
Due: often dispose of urine
Treatment: The provision of synthetic ADH
Diabetes mellitus
Tags: blood glucose levels exceed normal
Causes: lack of the hormone insulin
Result: poor healing wounds
Treatment: the children were given regular insulin and diet in adults is routine, exercise and administration of drugs that lower blood glucose levels
Signs: skin color changes and the whites of the eyes become yellow, urine becomes brown like tea
Cause: virus
As a result of: liver liver inflamed and disrupted work
Prevention: keep the environment clean, avoid direct contact or use of goods together with patients with hepatitis, use syringes for single-use.
Cirrhosis Heart
Signs: the emergence of scar tissue and damage cells in the liver
Causes: alcohol, drug toxicity, bacterial infections, complications of liver
As a result of: disturbance of consciousness, coma, death
Treatment: as the cause, recovery of liver function and liver transplant
Signs: the death of soft tissue in the feet or hands to begin with bluish skin and feels cold to the touch, and blackened and stinking
Cause: kejaringan blood disorders such flux. Often occurs in people with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
Result: if not be cured with antibiotics, the infected gangrene must be amputated.
Urinary stone
Signs: difficult to dispose of urine
Cause: The deposition of calcium in the kidney
Treatment: surgery, medicine and laser firing
Man with the Monkey equation of the form of Physiology Primates-Similarity and Difference Kinship
Man with the Monkey equation of the form of Physiology Primates-Similarity and Difference Kinship
A. Human Equation by Primates / Apes
1. Have mammary glands in the chest
2. Both eyes were both facing the front
3. Leg thumb may be moved in any direction with ease
4. Just - just a nail in terms of taxonomic
5. Having a form of uterine / simplex
6. Using the legs to walk, generally have to walk 2 feet and 2 hands
7. Common frame of the head
8. Have a backbone (vertebrates)
9. In general, the same - the same fur, hair
B. Human Differences in Primates / Apes
1. Apes have longer arms than legs and orang-utan ape than human
2. The size of the human brain is greater while the apes had brain sizes smaller
3. Structure / composition of different hemoglobin
4. Apes do not have the curve of the lips, while men have
5. Different body size
6. Humans enter the family Hominidae while the monkey family pongidae
7. Rear legs (feet) longer than the human front legs (arms), whereas in apes the front legs the same length or longer than the rear legs.
* physiology: the branch of biology that learning about the intricacies of life functions and activities
* primates: the highest class of mammals, or mammals, such as the type of small ape (tarsier) until the great apes (gorillas)
* taxonomic: the branch of biology which examine the naming, detailing, and grouping of living things based on similarities and differences in their properties
* verterbrata: animals with a spinal
A. Human Equation by Primates / Apes
1. Have mammary glands in the chest
2. Both eyes were both facing the front
3. Leg thumb may be moved in any direction with ease
4. Just - just a nail in terms of taxonomic
5. Having a form of uterine / simplex
6. Using the legs to walk, generally have to walk 2 feet and 2 hands
7. Common frame of the head
8. Have a backbone (vertebrates)
9. In general, the same - the same fur, hair
B. Human Differences in Primates / Apes
1. Apes have longer arms than legs and orang-utan ape than human
2. The size of the human brain is greater while the apes had brain sizes smaller
3. Structure / composition of different hemoglobin
4. Apes do not have the curve of the lips, while men have
5. Different body size
6. Humans enter the family Hominidae while the monkey family pongidae
7. Rear legs (feet) longer than the human front legs (arms), whereas in apes the front legs the same length or longer than the rear legs.
* physiology: the branch of biology that learning about the intricacies of life functions and activities
* primates: the highest class of mammals, or mammals, such as the type of small ape (tarsier) until the great apes (gorillas)
* taxonomic: the branch of biology which examine the naming, detailing, and grouping of living things based on similarities and differences in their properties
* verterbrata: animals with a spinal
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sound Music Vegetables
Sound Music Vegetables
Maybe it'll often hear the mother's advice: Do not play games with food. Apparently, this advice does not apply to musicians in Vienna.
Since the first city of Vienna in Austria known as a country music town. Classical music Strauss and Schubert's typical of the city of Vienna. But some musicians believe the city of Vienna can be a vegetable orchestra. Because according to the theory, every object had a voice.
Musicians from Vienna and make experiments. Musician making musical instruments from the vegetables. Hollowed carrot. Peeled onion skin. Was sliced Teronmg. And the results really ayuran issued suaara melodious. Vegetables can make a sound that can not be made other musical instruments.
Musical Instruments
Flute or Flute
Peppers, Cucumbers, and Carrots
Daun Bawang
Knob celery
Flute or Flute
Secret Sound Vegetables
Fresh vegetables should be
Vegetables only when fresh sound. That is, should not be wilted vegetables. As a result, the Vienna musicians have to shop before penatas.
Sensitive microphone
Vegetables is very weak voice. Voice of vegetables should be recorded with sensitive mikkrofon.
Gerakpgerik Hand
Sweet sound depending vegetables musician's hand movements. Not all smart people move to sound sweet vegetables.
Song Notation
Voice of vegetables should be regulated in a notation that a beautiful song. This means that musicians have to move the vegetables as a sign of the song. The result, an orchestra of beautiful vegetables.
Musicians and the audience should like to eat vegetables. Because when making vegetable instruments must have a lot of vegetable scraps. This time the advice she can not play with food must be obeyed. So, after watching the vegetable orchestra, everyone ate vegetable soup together.
Now one of the vegetables so that often appear orchestra in Vienna. Viennese musicians turned out not bad kids. Viennese musicians are creative people. Thanks to the creative musician, known as the city of Vienna vegetable orchestra.
(Source: Bobo magazine)
Maybe it'll often hear the mother's advice: Do not play games with food. Apparently, this advice does not apply to musicians in Vienna.
Since the first city of Vienna in Austria known as a country music town. Classical music Strauss and Schubert's typical of the city of Vienna. But some musicians believe the city of Vienna can be a vegetable orchestra. Because according to the theory, every object had a voice.
Musicians from Vienna and make experiments. Musician making musical instruments from the vegetables. Hollowed carrot. Peeled onion skin. Was sliced Teronmg. And the results really ayuran issued suaara melodious. Vegetables can make a sound that can not be made other musical instruments.
Musical Instruments
Flute or Flute
Peppers, Cucumbers, and Carrots
Daun Bawang
Knob celery
Flute or Flute
Secret Sound Vegetables
Fresh vegetables should be
Vegetables only when fresh sound. That is, should not be wilted vegetables. As a result, the Vienna musicians have to shop before penatas.
Sensitive microphone
Vegetables is very weak voice. Voice of vegetables should be recorded with sensitive mikkrofon.
Gerakpgerik Hand
Sweet sound depending vegetables musician's hand movements. Not all smart people move to sound sweet vegetables.
Song Notation
Voice of vegetables should be regulated in a notation that a beautiful song. This means that musicians have to move the vegetables as a sign of the song. The result, an orchestra of beautiful vegetables.
Musicians and the audience should like to eat vegetables. Because when making vegetable instruments must have a lot of vegetable scraps. This time the advice she can not play with food must be obeyed. So, after watching the vegetable orchestra, everyone ate vegetable soup together.
Now one of the vegetables so that often appear orchestra in Vienna. Viennese musicians turned out not bad kids. Viennese musicians are creative people. Thanks to the creative musician, known as the city of Vienna vegetable orchestra.
(Source: Bobo magazine)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hans Christian Andersen The Poor King Story So
Hans Christian Andersen
The Poor King Story So
Hans Christian Andersen, that's the name length. Surely everyone knows, his name was on the books well-known fairy tales. One of them, a match seller girl. However, the Danish myself to abbreviate the name used by HC Andersen. Indeed, H.C. Andersen is the author of Danish pride, early 19th century. In fact, H.C. Andersen had become the author of the world. How fairy tales and stories very famous and his work has been translated into 150 languages. And, too, would have enjoyed the work very attractive and full of emotion.
Poor Families
Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Danish, April 2, 1805. The village of his birth is located in the south of the Danish are poor and slum areas. His father, Hans Andersen, the day-to-day work as a cobbler. The mother, Anne Marie Andersdatter, just a laundry worker.
Andersen came from poor families. Despite the scarcity and the school was chaotic, Andersen received sufficient attention from both parents. His father often told stories and introduce various toys and folklore to Andersen.
Often Disangka Women
Since childhood, Andersen grew up as a gentle person. Once soft, to the extent that he is often mistaken as a girl. Incidentally, he was also very fond of singing and dancing ballet. At age 14, he moved to Copenhagen, the Danish capital and joined a theater group. He had appeared as the soprano (sound like a woman).
Apparently, looks graceful Andersen had made him a frequent derision. Then, he could no longer dance and sing. The softness of her personal and family life of poverty, it became the idea for Andersen to be a singer and writer.
Writing and Wandering
Lucky Andersen met with Danish king, Frederik VI. The King was pleased to allow Andersen to learn the language and traveling to foreign countries. Andersen did not waste the golden opportunity. He also traveled to France, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Italy, even to the Middle East.
Andersen is also friends with great authors, such as Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, and Charles Dickens. He also mukarya H. C. Andersen completely. Whatever the rich Andersen will be documented through the publication of a book. lai actively writing.
Surely all readers have read a very famous tale, among others, the Seller Korek Api Girl, Mermaid, Snow Queen, The Ugly Little Duck, and so on.
Full Museum Memories
Since the year 1908, in Odense, Danish Museum stands as a form HCAndersen tribute to the great author. In the museum there is a special room that holds a variety of relics HCAndersen. The works are not only display in printed form, but there are still streaks of his original manuscript.
This museum was full of memories because it is the former home of Andersen. The house has been renovated with very good to commemorate 200 years of Andersen, which fell in the year 2005. The visitors can buy various souvenirs and books by Andersen in stores around the museum.
Complete Works Publishing
Currently, a number of publishers in the Danish publication was continued to handle the books by HCAndersen complete. Whatever Andersen's work will be documented through the publication of a book. Apparently, Anderson's work a lot. Understandably, Andersen died on August 4, 1875 was a very productive writer.
Imagine, all Andersen's work there, or approximately 18 volumes 9000 pages. Consists of poetry, fairy tales, novels, story subjects, and autobiography (his own history). It was during this, the fairy tale of the most known throughout the world. H.C. Andersen, the poor man who became king of fairy tales, through the centuries.
(source: Bobo Magazine)
The Poor King Story So
Hans Christian Andersen, that's the name length. Surely everyone knows, his name was on the books well-known fairy tales. One of them, a match seller girl. However, the Danish myself to abbreviate the name used by HC Andersen. Indeed, H.C. Andersen is the author of Danish pride, early 19th century. In fact, H.C. Andersen had become the author of the world. How fairy tales and stories very famous and his work has been translated into 150 languages. And, too, would have enjoyed the work very attractive and full of emotion.
Poor Families
Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Danish, April 2, 1805. The village of his birth is located in the south of the Danish are poor and slum areas. His father, Hans Andersen, the day-to-day work as a cobbler. The mother, Anne Marie Andersdatter, just a laundry worker.
Andersen came from poor families. Despite the scarcity and the school was chaotic, Andersen received sufficient attention from both parents. His father often told stories and introduce various toys and folklore to Andersen.
Often Disangka Women
Since childhood, Andersen grew up as a gentle person. Once soft, to the extent that he is often mistaken as a girl. Incidentally, he was also very fond of singing and dancing ballet. At age 14, he moved to Copenhagen, the Danish capital and joined a theater group. He had appeared as the soprano (sound like a woman).
Apparently, looks graceful Andersen had made him a frequent derision. Then, he could no longer dance and sing. The softness of her personal and family life of poverty, it became the idea for Andersen to be a singer and writer.
Writing and Wandering
Lucky Andersen met with Danish king, Frederik VI. The King was pleased to allow Andersen to learn the language and traveling to foreign countries. Andersen did not waste the golden opportunity. He also traveled to France, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Italy, even to the Middle East.
Andersen is also friends with great authors, such as Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, and Charles Dickens. He also mukarya H. C. Andersen completely. Whatever the rich Andersen will be documented through the publication of a book. lai actively writing.
Surely all readers have read a very famous tale, among others, the Seller Korek Api Girl, Mermaid, Snow Queen, The Ugly Little Duck, and so on.
Full Museum Memories
Since the year 1908, in Odense, Danish Museum stands as a form HCAndersen tribute to the great author. In the museum there is a special room that holds a variety of relics HCAndersen. The works are not only display in printed form, but there are still streaks of his original manuscript.
This museum was full of memories because it is the former home of Andersen. The house has been renovated with very good to commemorate 200 years of Andersen, which fell in the year 2005. The visitors can buy various souvenirs and books by Andersen in stores around the museum.
Complete Works Publishing
Currently, a number of publishers in the Danish publication was continued to handle the books by HCAndersen complete. Whatever Andersen's work will be documented through the publication of a book. Apparently, Anderson's work a lot. Understandably, Andersen died on August 4, 1875 was a very productive writer.
Imagine, all Andersen's work there, or approximately 18 volumes 9000 pages. Consists of poetry, fairy tales, novels, story subjects, and autobiography (his own history). It was during this, the fairy tale of the most known throughout the world. H.C. Andersen, the poor man who became king of fairy tales, through the centuries.
(source: Bobo Magazine)
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