Monday, February 22, 2010

Excretion in Human Systems

Expenses Process
Based on the substance discharged, the expenditure in humans can be divided into:
Defecation: expenditure of digestive waste (feces)
Excretion: spending the rest of the results of metabolic substances (CO2, sweat and urine)
Secretion: sap spending is still useful to the body (enzymes and hormones)
Excretion system
Expenditure systems are substances that metabolic waste is not useful to the body from the body, such as:
Exhale CO2 when we breathe
Pee (urine)
Excretion tools
Tools excretion in humans include:
Renal (ren)
Humans have two kidneys located on the front left and right of the spine waist.

Kidney Structure

Leather Kidney (cortex)
In the cortex there are many nephrons, or filtering.
Each nephron consists of bodies and tubular glomerular malpigi.
The glomerulus is a capillary blood vessels woven.
Glomerulus is covered by a Bowman's capsule
Marrow, kidney (medulla)
Marrow, kidney tubules consist of konturtus
Cavity kidney (renal pelvis)
In the empty cavity of the kidney vessels.
From each cavity left ureter.
Ureteric function and pass out urine into the bladder

Kidney Function
Kidneys have a function:
Filtering blood to produce urine
Disposing of substances that harm the body (urea, uric acid)
Discard the substances in the body of excess (blood sugar)
Maintain osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid
Maintaining the balance of acids and bases

Urine Formation
Blood filtration in the glomerulus produces glomerular filtrate (primary urine)
Urine reabsorsi primary konturtus in the proximal tubules to absorb substances that are useful to the body. Produced by tubular filtrate (urine secondary)
Urine secondary augmentation in the distal tubules produce urine konturtus
In normal urine contains water, urea, ammonia, mineral salts, bile pigments, vitamins, drugs and hormones

Liver (liver)

Is the largest gland in the human body (2 kg) which is located in the abdominal cavity below the sabelah right diaphragm
Heart Structure

Heart Function
Liver produces bile (bilus) which contains the rest of the reforms in the spleen eritosit
Liver function:
Store the sugar in the form of glycogen
Regulate blood sugar levels
Place the formation of urea from ammonia
Offering poison
Formed vitamin A from provitamin A
Place the formation of fibrinogen protrombin

Process in the Heart
Red blood cells that are old (histiosita) broken down in the liver.

Skin (Integumentary)
Is the outer layer of the human body and is part of the body's protective

Skin Function
The skin functions as:
Protect the inside of the body of friction, germs, radiation, heat and chemicals
Regulate body temperature
Receive stimulation from the outside
Reduce water loss

Sweat glands absorb water and salt from the blood in the capillaries.
Sweat excreted through the pores (50 mL / hour in normal circumstances)

The lungs (pulmo)
Humans have a pair of lungs which is located in the chest cavity.
The lungs function as respiratory organs of oxygen and remove CO2 + water vapor
Water vapor and CO2 diffuse in the alveoli and then issued

Abnormalities and disease
Signs: urine contains albumin
Causes: lack of protein, kidney and liver disease
As a result: the body of albumin deficiency that prevents the fluid does not come out of the blood
Renal failure
Signs: Increased levels of urea in the blood
Cause: nephritis (kidney inflammation)
Result: substances which should be removed by the kidneys accumulate in the blood
Treatment: regular dialysis or kidney transplantation
Diabetes insipidus
Signs: the increasing number of urine (20 to 30 times as much)
Cause: antidiuretika hormone deficiency (ADH)
Due: often dispose of urine
Treatment: The provision of synthetic ADH
Diabetes mellitus
Tags: blood glucose levels exceed normal
Causes: lack of the hormone insulin
Result: poor healing wounds
Treatment: the children were given regular insulin and diet in adults is routine, exercise and administration of drugs that lower blood glucose levels
Signs: skin color changes and the whites of the eyes become yellow, urine becomes brown like tea
Cause: virus
As a result of: liver liver inflamed and disrupted work
Prevention: keep the environment clean, avoid direct contact or use of goods together with patients with hepatitis, use syringes for single-use.
Cirrhosis Heart
Signs: the emergence of scar tissue and damage cells in the liver
Causes: alcohol, drug toxicity, bacterial infections, complications of liver
As a result of: disturbance of consciousness, coma, death
Treatment: as the cause, recovery of liver function and liver transplant
Signs: the death of soft tissue in the feet or hands to begin with bluish skin and feels cold to the touch, and blackened and stinking
Cause: kejaringan blood disorders such flux. Often occurs in people with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
Result: if not be cured with antibiotics, the infected gangrene must be amputated.
Urinary stone
Signs: difficult to dispose of urine
Cause: The deposition of calcium in the kidney
Treatment: surgery, medicine and laser firing

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