Monday, February 22, 2010

Man with the Monkey equation of the form of Physiology Primates-Similarity and Difference Kinship

Man with the Monkey equation of the form of Physiology Primates-Similarity and Difference Kinship
A. Human Equation by Primates / Apes
1. Have mammary glands in the chest
2. Both eyes were both facing the front
3. Leg thumb may be moved in any direction with ease
4. Just - just a nail in terms of taxonomic
5. Having a form of uterine / simplex
6. Using the legs to walk, generally have to walk 2 feet and 2 hands
7. Common frame of the head
8. Have a backbone (vertebrates)
9. In general, the same - the same fur, hair
B. Human Differences in Primates / Apes
1. Apes have longer arms than legs and orang-utan ape than human
2. The size of the human brain is greater while the apes had brain sizes smaller
3. Structure / composition of different hemoglobin
4. Apes do not have the curve of the lips, while men have
5. Different body size
6. Humans enter the family Hominidae while the monkey family pongidae
7. Rear legs (feet) longer than the human front legs (arms), whereas in apes the front legs the same length or longer than the rear legs.

* physiology: the branch of biology that learning about the intricacies of life functions and activities
* primates: the highest class of mammals, or mammals, such as the type of small ape (tarsier) until the great apes (gorillas)
* taxonomic: the branch of biology which examine the naming, detailing, and grouping of living things based on similarities and differences in their properties
* verterbrata: animals with a spinal

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